Pro-life rally marks 33rd anniversary
of Roe vs. Wade
Abortion foes keep demonstration boundaries colorful

Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Luke
January 22, 2006
San Francisco - Opposing sides in the abortion
debate countered each other in San Francisco yesterday with eye-popping
street theater.
Thousands came from the hinterlands saluting a rapier
to God, Country, and the Virgin Mary in defense of the unborn.

From the town where abortion is considered a homegrown
right, a somewhat smaller group of San Franciscans suggested they
take their apparitions and go.

It began yesterday morning in Justin Herman Plaza.

Anti-abortionists gathered flexing muscle with expected
Senate confirmation of Judge Samuel Alito to the U.S. Supreme
Court. Pro-abortions fear Alito will provide the necessary vote
to overturn Roe v. Wade which legalized abortion in 1973.

Judge Samuel A. Alito Jr.
U.S. Courts

Women deserve better than a coathanger abortion.
Police kept the two groups apart as both seemed
resigned to public relations benefit of civility.

Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi and State Assemblymember Mark Leno

Supervisor Chris Daly and Democratic Party activist Rafael Mandelman

h. brown (right)

Dance Brigade's
Krissy Keefer shows her fighting spirit

...let's begin again,
my uterus, your uterus,
my body, your body
my choice, your choice.

Even Hooters girls
