There is no doubt, Gore warns
World Environment Day

Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas

By Pat Murphy
Sunday, June 5, 2005
When it begins, temperatures will plummet from normal
to ice age desolation within a two-year period. It will come as
the result of global warming breaking apart the arctic poles,
flooding ocean levels which affect earth's relation to the sun.

Antartic ice shelf collapse
There is zero doubt, Al Gore reiterated his warning
in San Francisco yesterday, at least not among scientists, despite
50% media coverage of doubt global warming threat exists.

Speaking before mayors gathered worldwide on the
fourth day of World Environment Day events, Gore pointed to a
leaked memo from commercial interests strategizing 'doubt' to
counter financial loss if green solutions to global warming were
put in place.
The former Vice President likened it to early tobacco
strategy creating popular confusion over cigarette health hazard.

Carbon dioxide emissions, accompanying technological
advances, skyrocketed in the period from 1970 to present, stated
Gore, high enough to cause world maps redrawn in scant decades
if political will isn't summoned to reverse emission rise.

Areas in blue project land mass flooded by ocean rise

"With what we know how to do we can bring our
emissions down below the 1970s now," Gore assured, if political
will is strong enough.

Movement toward necessary political will increasingly
is found in the corporate world and local governmental level.

Famous five-thousand-year-old man revealed as artic ice shelf
melts after frozen that amount of time

Despite the United States being largest contributor
to carbon dioxide emissions, her federal government stands in
the minority opposing effective solution, continued Gore.

"Is it only terrorism we are interested in
organizing against? Political will is a renewable resource."
