School superintendent resigns, will stay on job
at least six months for transition

Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Pat Murphy
Wednesday, September 7, 2005
In a press conference predicted to avoid finger pointing, School
Superintendent Arlene Ackerman last night resigned the post, with
supporter and critic feelings still too raw to keep fingers pocketed.
Ackerman was surrounded by Mayor Newsom, all School Board members,
and Ackerman backers in the 6:00 p.m. announcement of her decision
to invoke the "incompatibility" clause of her contract.
The board met in private session following the press conference,
itself voting unanimously to likewise invoke the provision.
According to her contract, Ackerman will stay on duty for a minimum
of six months to allow for transition, and may be asked to stay
a full 12 months.
In recalling sacrificing time spent with her sons to job duties,
and commitment to San Francisco students, Ackerman clutched briefly
with tears.

School Board members president Eric Mar and Sarah Lipson both
offered gratitude to Ackerman for fiscal management and several
Ackerman instituted programs.
Mar and Lipson had been critical of Ackerman in other areas since
taking office. And member Mark Sanchez, her most vocal critic,
declined to speak at the press conference.

Mayor Newsom touched lightly on past conflict,
and focused on return to all efforts hopefully geared to student

Former Supervisor Amos Brown, and Police Commissioner David Chan,
hinted at political retribution toward the progressive School
Board bloc.
A statement issued by activist group SFSOS today implied recall.
