Alioto defends Prop H and I
on the O'Reilly Factor
h. brown serves as media consultant

Angela Alioto and h. brown
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Luke
November 7, 2005
City of St. Francis' homelessness matriarch and former Supervisor
Angela Alioto, was guest on The O'Reilly Factor today, accompanied
by h. brown, to discuss two local ballot measures.
A regular on The Factor show, Alioto defended Proposition H,
the firearm ban, and Proposition I, a largely symbolic measure
that establishes city policy to oppose military recruitment in
San Francisco public schools.
O'Reilly opened the spirited segment claiming reasons why Americans
must be free to arm themselves, and cited post-Katrina New Orleans
as an example of what can happen when law and order disintegrates
into anarchy and chaos.
Alioto fired back and described San Francisco as the "City
of Peace" and cited increased gun-related homicide statistics
as the primary reason why San Franciscans may vote for the controversial
firearm ban.
"It's outrageous what's going on in our City," she
said. "We don't want guns in San Francisco."
Losing traction, O'Reilly moved to discuss Proposition I.
Alioto called the practice of luring impressionable sub-teens
into war "unconscionable," and said San Franisco public
schools would be more welcoming of Peace Corps recruiters.

During Fleet Week events in San Francisco, Military Recruiters
used humvee mounted gun turrets to sew seeds into the minds
of our young and impressionable. (More click
Ruffled by Alioto's arguments, O'Reilly accused Alioto of being,
"I'm just as American as you are, Bill," Alioto countered.
The interview ended when O'Reilly cut Alioto's microphone mid-speak,
then turned to his audience with the last words, "Get a rifle."
