Alioto-Pier supporters laud focus
on entire City

Supervisor Michela Alioto-Pier
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Pat Murphy
March 25, 2006
District 2 Supervisor Michela Alioto-Pier distinguishes herself
by "putting all districts under a microscope" for benefit
of the entire City, her supporters agreed last night at a Pacific
Heights fundraiser.
In return, Alioto-Pier recalled San Francisco has never been
eleven microcosms.
"District elections are really hard in San Francisco because
we do divide this fabulous place into an eleven little microcosmic
world," stated Alioto-Pier who seeks re-election in November.
"That's not how San Francisco is or has ever really been.
"We are the City by the Bay. We are a jewel box and it is
our culture and our diversity that makes us so unique and so...
She spoke in the home of Alioto family matriarch Frances Alioto,
flanked by Rodney Fong, president of the Fisherman's Wharf Merchants
Association and owner of The
Wax Museum and Fisherman's Wharf patriarch Alessandro 'Al'
Some 250 family, friends, and supporters attended.
Baccari praised Alioto-Pier for her grasp of San Francisco.

Al Baccari has served as director of the Fisherman's Wharf Historical
Society, executive secretary of the Fisherman's Wharf Merchants
Association, and president of the Fishermen's and Seamen's Memorial
Chapel. He also served as chairman of the Mayor's Committee for
the Preservation and Beautification of Fisherman's Wharf. Now
retired, Baccari serves as an educator, author, economist, artist,
and photographer.

Baccari photography on display at ristaonline

"She's one of those rare people who takes a district and
she looks not only just at her district but at each district in
the city - which are like little cities within a city - and puts
it under a microscope," said Baccari.
"With that vision she began to say 'what are the economic,
social, and cultural problems of those areas? What are the demographics
of those areas? How old are they? What is the revenue that comes
in or out? How do we generate the funds to create the economic
vitality and stability?'"
Early service on the San Francisco Port Commission proved Alioto-Pier
capable of "understanding the needs of the community, of
the whole 7.5 miles of the perimeter of our waterfront,"
added Baccari.
Her consideration of waterfront needs grew to envision a new
Cruise Terminal, Alioto-Pier explained.
"I was truly honored to have served on the Port Commission,"
said the District 2 supervisor.
"I see the Port as one of the main jewels -- the biggest
diamond in the box - because of the opportunity down there.
"What I find really astounding... is that I don't think
a lot of other people don't see it that way... at least not people
in politics.
"City Hall is a little fishbowl world. In and of itself
it does not necessarily represent the City all the time."
Members of her campaign staff questioned whether "cruise
ships could impact the City or how people could like them."
Poll results came in a week ago, she said, which included voter
feeling toward cruise ships.
"When we got this thing back cruise ships had an 85% approval
rating citywide.
"And that was a question that was given that had the pros
and the cons - cruise ships with the kind of money they generate
but also with the energy, and the feel, and everything else they
bring to San Francisco versus the types of pollution it can bring
"It was a very rough question quite frankly, but it scored
fifteen points higher than anything else.
"What it told me... is that there is not only a lot of nostalgia
in it but hope and I think that people need to have something
to hope for.
"I think they see this area is of potentially great excitement."
The candidate pledged development of a community based plan within
the next year to construct a new Cruise Terminal.
"We will be cultivating some kind of agenda that will be
reaching out for help... on exactly how we are going to go about
doing that and assuring the Cruise Terminal does get built and
that it gets built well.
"And then hopefully as soon as that's built we're able to
renovate Pier 35. I don't understand why we can't have two, frankly."
Passage of Prop I by City voters last November benefits local
economy, Alioto-Pier observed.
"Last November with all of your help you helped us pass
something called Proposition I which started an Economic Analysis
Office at City Hall, which we had never had.
"So now when we look at legislation that impacts us economically
we're adding a little responsibility."
Baccari noted a vision of the whole City is necessary to "preserve
our economic, social, and cultural vitality."
"If Hunters Point breaks down... and we cannot create a
balance of integrating and bringing some stability of compassion
and understanding to that area that can vitally live - we perish.
"So, one area can destroy the other area. It's checkmate,"
stressed Baccari.
Alioto-Pier leadership at City Hall is needed to steer a "renaissance
at Fisherman's Wharf," indicated Rodney Fong, president of
the San
Francisco Fisherman's Wharf Merchants Association.
"Fisherman's Wharf... is going through a renaissance, a
transition," said Fong.
"This last summer we passed a Business Improvement District...
from Ghirardelli all the way to Pier 39.
"It's going to generate over a half-million dollars a year
for the next 15 years for cleaning, beautification, and marketing
it's great history.
"With all of these changes blossoming we're going to need
more help at City Hall... and we're going to need some logical,
sound leadership and I think that's why we're all here for Supervisor
Michela Alioto-Pier."