Angelides invokes victory of Harry Truman
in San Francisco rally of Democratic faithful

Phil Angelides pledges return to a California which shares Democratic
ideals, joined at right by Democratic National Party chairman
Howard Dean, right, and Democratic State Party chairman Art Torres.
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Pat Murphy
August 12, 2006
Democratic Party choice for California governor invoked the
name of come-from-behind Harry Truman in San Francisco yesterday
in a rally studded with Democratic luminaries.
National Democratic Party chairman Howard Dean introduced candidate
Phil Angelides in a union hall chosen as "the rightful home
of the Democratic Party" and drawing stark differences between
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Angelides.

Party state chairman Art Torres joined the shoulder-to-shoulder
platform of Democratic major office holders to emcee the Plumbers
and Pipefitters Union Hall 11:30 a.m. rally filled with party

Angelides acknowledged his uphill quest for the governor's seat.
"The bell just went off for the 11th round of this fight.
I got up off my stool, I came out, and I'm ready to score a knockout."
"And also, to quote Harry Truman, 'I will win this election
and make the Republicans like it.'
"I'm a little battered. I'm a little bruised. I got a little
cut over the eye but I am not a bleeder. I am a fighter. I've
got a little work to do."

Democratic Party ideals will overcome incumbent Governor Arnold
Schwarzenegger's well financed campaign for re-election, foretold
"The fact is that Arnold Schwarzenegger and his Bush team
are not going to relinquish power easily," Angelides told
"And they're going to have, despite the fact that their
agenda is a bankrupt as their Enron buddies, they're going to
have tens of millions of dollars from oil companies and insurance
companies and HMOs and drug companies to prop them up.
"But we have something more powerful and that's the power
of our ideals."
Education is at the top of those ideals, he pledged.
"So I'm going to ask you to imagine with me and work with
me for a California where once again making the education of our
children our top priority.
"Where we have the best teachers and the smallest class
size and everything our kids deserve regardless of financial abilities.
"To imagine with me and work with me for a California where
the governor doesn't stand up for HMO profiteering but a governor
who signs legislation to cover every child in this state to make
sure they can see a doctor when they are sick."
Angelides asserted Schwarzenegger's campaign stance on immigration
and civil rights is divisive.
"I am going to ask you to work with me and imagine in this
state a governor who doesn't divide us on immigration or civil
rights but a governor who stands up for liberty and justice for
everyone in the great state of California.
"This election will be the clearest choice in a generation
for California. We have a chance to stand up to the Bush-Schwarzenegger
agenda of diminished opportunities, an agenda that favors the
special interests over the interests of hard working families
and we need to do it," continued Angelides.
A Schwarzenegger television ad depicting Angelides as moon-walking
California backward into the past drew the Democratic candidate's
own parody.
"You've probably seen these ads that are running.
"They have me going backwards doing the moon-walk.
"Well, let me ask you - do they mean we're going to take
California back to a time when we had the best schools in the
"Where we're going to take California back to time when
we had the best public universities in the world?
"The walk that goes back to a time when families could work
hard fulltime, support their kids with dignity, and retire with
respect and security?
"We're going to take California back to the future!"

Party chairman Howard Dean, a former Vermont governor and past
presidential contender, scored Schwarzenegger as amassing campaign
funds from special interests.
"Arnold Schwarzenegger says he's against the special interests
and last year in order to put his special interest legislation
through he raised $100 million from HMOs, oil companies, and insurance
companies," Dean maintained.

He joined Angelides in viewing the incumbent's campaign as divisive.
"The biggest difference between the Republicans and the
Democrats is not the Iraq war, it's not the budget deficit, it's
not the mess that was made in New Orleans by a president who didn't
want to do anything about it in a timely manner.
"The biggest difference is that they believe dividing people
is the right way to do it.
"Now 'those people,' George Bush's message is, 'those people,
it is their fault.'
"It is gay people, it's immigrants, it's Democrats, it's
liberals, it's Hollywood people.
"We believe that we are all in it together and the hallmark
of Angelides and the hallmark of the Democratic Party is we understand
who our boss is.
"Our boss is not just the people who elect us. Our boss
is the people who voted against us too. We need to be together
again. We need to work with everybody again because American needs
to heal.
"Phil Angelides is a healer and a true principled leader,
and Arnold Schwarzenegger isn't. If you want a real change in
this country we have to stop trying to scare people in order to
win elections."
Dean also challenged integrity of both Schwarzenegger and President
"The biggest difference of all is integrity," contended
"Name me a promise that has been kept. The budget deficit
that devastated California is bigger than when Arnold Schwarzenegger
took office. There is more special interest money washing around
Sacramento than ever before.

"We need a governor with honesty. We need a governor with
integrity. We need a governor who we will not always agree with
but we will know he is doing the right thing for the right reason,
which we will know is for the benefit of the people of the state
of California - Phil Angelides."
Stakes are large in the November election, San Francisco Mayor
Gavin Newsom echoed.

California Assembly 13th District Assemblyman Mark Leno, left,
joins California Assembly 12th District Assembly candidate Fiona
Ma and Mayor Newsom in support for their party choice.
"It's our job as Democrats to people what's at stake in
the state of California.
"It's our job as Democrats to remind people who Arnold Schwarzenneger
really is and... I'm not sure he knows exactly.
"You should be proud, you should be very proud because we
got the real deal in Phil Angelides. We don't have a guy who just
came along on the issues of health care, on education and the
environment, just got convinced based on some fancy polling of
what he should believe.
"Here's a guy who's been with us, the values of the Party
have been represented from the day this guy started getting involved
in politics well before he became a politician," Newsom suggested.
In closing, Angelides predicted victory.
"We are going to work our hearts out over the next three
months," insisted Angelides.
"We're not going to stand down. We're not going to retreat.
"We're going to stand up proudly for our Democratic values
and come November 7 we're going to defeat Arnold Schwarzenegger
and push California in a new direction."

Visit candidate websites for Phil
Angelides and Arnold