Marriage Separate But Equal as bad as it gets,
says San Francisco mayor
SCHWARZENEGGER lack of character is the reason people don't vote,
scorns an angry Mayor Newsom.
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Pat Murphy
Thursday, September 8, 2005, 10:30 p.m.
The elected leader of the City and County of San Francisco this
afternoon challenged the Governor of California to answer whether
Arnold Schwarzenegger would have insisted the people decide legality
of inter-racial marriage when 73% of Americans opposed it.
Mayor Gavin Newsom drew the parallel, further condemning Governor
Schwarzenegger integrity as an issue larger than the Gay Marriage
Act which Schwarzenegger press release announced coming veto.
"I hope he stops hiding behind his press secretary. I hope
he can come out and explain to the people of the state why he
can go on the Jay Leno Show and say, 'I have no problem with gay
marriage,' and then he has a historic opportunity to make a decision,
and he decides to abdicate," responded Newsom.
"He's got to explain to the voters why it is that the Assembly,
which he's constantly criticizing, and the Senate, finally does
their job, and now he doesn't want their job to be recognized,
and he can't make a decision that's affirmative on the basis of
things that's he said not only privately but publicly, and he
says 'No, the voters have to decide.'
"I think a good question to ask the governor is ask him,
'In 1958, governor, would you have said the people of the State
of California should decide if whether there should be inter-racial
"I'm curious for him to answer that question. Or in 1967
if it did, we would have had inter-racial marriage in this country.
"Should it have gone to public vote for women to vote?

"Should it have gone to public vote that blacks should become
American citizens?
"Should it have gone to a public vote that
we advance civil rights?
"That's about leadership, and this guy came
into office claiming to be a different kind of politician.
"This is the worst type of politician.
"Because he's not just saying something privately,
and doing something, but he said something publicly, and he's
not advancing the principles he's expounded in the past.
"I'm not surprised, and frankly I don't think
anyone should (be). It's been that way for the last two-and-a-half
"I think the most disappointing thing is to
see a press release that talks about civil rights, how he's been
achieving civil rights, and then he acts as if domestic partnership
in the release is somehow equivalent with equality.
"It's as if he hasn't read the Domestic Partnership
law to recognize that it's not recognized outside the State of
"And there aren't the same rights, privileges,
obligations, and opportunities that are afforded with same sex
"A lot of people are being hurt by this. This
is about human beings. This is not cute or funny.
"If you're governor of the seventh largest
economy in the world, you step up and not stand behind your press
secretary, and answer real questions.
"If you're going to claim that you're a civil
rights leader - if you're going to claim that you're a leader
at all - you have a historic opportunity to stand on principle
and fight for equality in civil rights, something that's noble
and appropriate, that distinguishes your capacity as a human being.
"But instead you veto it, and you say let the
people decide.
"The guy's aligned himself with George Bush
and Tom DeLay. I mean George Bush, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and
Tom DeLay - there all on the same page.
Let's dispense with this being a new
kind of Republican.
I expect him to have the decency to
sit down with human beings, to tell their stories about bigotry,
and hate, and how they cannot be fulfilled as human beings the
way he's been fulfilled as a human being with his wife and their
"Do I expect that to happen?
"No, that would require leadership.
"That would require character.
"That would require something different than
a politician.
"Look back at the tapes of the June 11 show.
Look back at what he's said consistently. How can he get away
with saying that? And here he has a historic opportunity to advance
"Yet you're unwilling to do it. That's politics.
"That's why people don't vote.
"That's why people should not re-elect this
"He's not going down in the history books as
a man that has a profile in courage.
"Hands aren't tied (by principles) when people
decided it was wrong to discriminate against blacks marrying whites.
"It was bad politics at the time. Look at the
polls - 1968 Gallup Poll - 73% of Americans opposed inter-racial
marriage a year after the United States Supreme Court finally
decided it was constitutional and appropriate.
"That's what the governor is advocating - 'Let
the people decide.'
"Would he have said that in 1967, 1968?
"And boy if he says yes, that would tell you
more about the person than anything could.
"What distinguishes the decision then from
the decision today?
"What is about the lower court's decision on
constitutionality did he not recognize and not read?
"What is it about what's going on in the rest
of the country, and around the world, Spain, Canada, et cetera,
that he doesn't understand.
"The worst kind of cynicism - and I think this
is the worst kind of hypocrisy - is when someone says, 'Look,
I'll recognize a relationship.' By definition, he said that in
his statement.
"'I recognize domestic partnerships,' meaning
he recognizes a relationship between a man and a man, and a woman
and a woman, but guess what, you'll never have equal status based
upon my actions.
"He's arguing for Separate But Equal, and that
is as bad as it gets.
"It's bigger than this issue - you can disagree
about same sex marriage - but this is a bigger issue.
"It's about integrity.
"It's about leadership. It's about integrity,
it's about capacity, and it's about compassion, and about equality.
"Those are the qualities we need in politics
today, and I want to applaud (Marriage Equality Act author) Mark
Leno for demonstrating all of them.