Assessor candidates debate best approach to property assessment

Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
The three candidates for San Francisco Assessor attempted to
distinguish themselves last night, more through nuance than end
In an office plagued for years with allegations of ineptitude
and possible corruption, all pledged professional property valuation
but different in mode.
Cheryl Jennings of KGO-TV emceed the question-and-answer session
hosted by the San
Francisco League of Women Voters.
The 7:00 p.m. panel discussion took placed in a two-thirds filled
studio of the LGBT
Ron Chun distanced himself from competitors Gerardo Sandoval
and Phil Ting by insisting method of valuation "should be
revenue neutral," with technical expertise and professionalism
required for fair appraisal.

Ron Chun
Both Sandoval and Ting emphasized preference for the office to
produce highest revenue legally possible to support social service
programs they said San Franciscans demand.

Gerardo Sandoval
Sandoval framed himself best equipped for the job, suggesting
his 15 years in government made him efficient in working the levers
of city policy.

Phil Ting
Ting, appointed to the position by Mayor Newsom, drew attention
to his initiatives underway to challenge large property owner
valuations as possibly under assessed.
