Feinstein, Pelosi, Ma abstain on DCCC Wolf resolution

Journalist Josh Wolf remains in federal prison following U.S.
District Judge William Alsup's order that Wolf be detained. Wolf
was ordered jailed August 1, 2006 by Alsup for refusing to turn
over videotape of a San Francisco G-8 demonstration turned melee
in 2005 to a federal grand jury.
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Richard
March 1, 2007
A resolution backing wrongfully imprisoned journalist Josh
Wolf and urging enactment of a federal shield law received
near-unanimous approval Wednesday night from the San Francisco
Democratic County Central Committee.
None of the delegates opposed the resolution, though proxies
for Senator Dianne Feinstein, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Assemblymember
Fiona Ma abstained from voting on the resolution.
Text of Resolution:
"WHEREAS Josh Wolf is an independent journalist in the City
and County of San Francisco who has become the longest jailed
journalist for contempt in United States History and whose incarceration
causes great damage to the First Amendment and to freedom of the
press in the United States;
"AND WHEREAS 31 states including California have shield
laws upholding the rights of journalists to protect the secrecy
of their sources and unpublished information;
"AND WHEREAS Josh Wolf has shown uncommon valor in his principled
defense of First Amendment rights, proving through his steadfast
commitment that he will not be coerced, and for such actions has
been awarded the highest honors of the Society of Professional
"THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the San Francisco Democratic
Party urges the US Attorney to cease its prosecution of Josh Wolf,
requests his immediate release from rison, and urges Attorney
General Alberto Gonzales to rescind the subpoena with which he
was served;
"AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the San Francisco Democratic
Party urges San Francisco's Congressional delegation to support
the passage of an inclusive and robust Federal Shield Law that
protects independent journalists and does not contain significant
"Submitted by Robert Haaland, Michael Goldstein, Rafael
Mandelman, David Campos, and Jane Morrison.
"Copies of the resolution shall be sent to the regional
US Attorney, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, Speaker Nancy
Pelosi, and Senators Boxer and Feinstein."
A Robert Haaland-authored amendment to include online journalists
in any shield-law legislation was accepted.