LGBT group opposes
Pelosi employment discrimination bill

Members of an LGBT group oppose Speaker Nancy Pelosi's watering
of a bill that would prohibit employment discrimination of transgendered
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Caitlin McAdoo
October 1, 2007
Members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community
plan to hold a 24-hour vigil today in protest of a new bill that
would drop transgender people from the Employment Non-Discrimination
The original bill, HR 2015, prohibited discrimination against
employees because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Congressman Barney Frank announced
Thursday that they would be presenting a different piece of legislation,
HR 3685, to the U.S. Senate Labor Committee Tuesday. The new bill
would only ban discrimination against employees based on their
sexual orientation, but would fail to protect transgender people.
"While I personally favor legislation that would include
gender identity, the new ENDA legislation proposed by Congressman
Frank has the best prospects for success on the House floor,"
Pelosi said in a written statement released Friday.
According to Robert Haaland, co-chair of Pride At Work organizations
have come out against the new bill and are asking Pelosi not to
present it to the labor committee for a vote Tuesday. They are
asking instead that the committee be offered another chance to
vote on the original legislation, Haaland said.

Robert Haaland
"Transgender people face the highest rates of unemployment
in our community and it would be unconscionable for us to sit
idly by and see them stripped from this important piece of federal
legislation," Nancy Wohlforth, co-president of Pride At Work,
The vigil will be held in front of the Federal Building, which
houses Pelosi's office, located at 450 Golden Gate Ave., San Francisco.
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