Obama garners Lofgren and Liccardo endorsements

Senator Barack Obama today earned the endorsements of Rep. Zoe
and San Jose Councilman Sam Liccardo.
Photo by Luke
By Jason Bennert
January 14, 2008
One of Silicon Valley's most prominent female political leaders,
Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-San
Jose, today endorsed Sen. Barack Obama for president.
Lofgren has represented much of San Jose and other parts of Santa
Clara County in Congress since 1994. While she respects Obama's
major opponent in the Democratic presidential primary, Sen. Hillary
Clinton, she believes it is time for a change.
"We've had either a Clinton or a Bush as president since
1988. It's time for something new,'' Lofgren said.
Lofgren dismissed recent criticism leveled by the Clinton campaign
that Obama's talk about hope is not enough to win the presidential
race in November.
"There are times when you need someone who can inspire the
nation the way that Bobby Kennedy did and the way that Sen. Barack
Obama is,'' Lofgren said.
San Jose City Councilman
Sam Liccardo also endorsed Obama today. Both he and Lofgren
appeared at the opening of Obama's San Jose campaign office.
"It's from places like San Jose that Barack Obama will be
propelled into the White House. We are the place that propels
great ideas,'' Liccardo said.
Obama is scheduled to come to the Bay Area next week for a series
of fundraisers. He will also hold a public event at a location
to be determined later, according to a campaign spokeswoman.
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