Code Pink tea party keeps up pressure on Pelosi
Members of Code Pink hold a tea party for Speaker Nancy Pelosi
on April Fool's Day
outside Pelosi's Pacific Heights mansion.
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Luke
April 2, 2007
Members of the women's peace group Code Pink staged an April
Fool's Day tea party outside Speaker Nancy Pelosi's Pacific Heights
mansion yesterday.
The afternoon event was organized to pressure Pelosi to put articles
of impeachment against President Bush and Vice President Dick
Cheney back on the table, to bring U.S. troops home by the end
of 2007, and to put back into legislation a requirement that Bush
seek congressional approval before moving against Iran.
Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin said of the event: "Today
is April 1st and Nancy Pelosi invited us to come for a tête
à tête about how to end the war, and stop the next
one. So, we're here to talk to her. Unfortunately, it looks like
she's in the Middle East right now so we're talking to her lookalike
"We will also be talking to eachother about how we increase
the pressure to get the troops home by the end of the year at
the latest, to make sure there's no war with Iran, and to put
impeachment where it belongs which is right on the table."
Pelosi took impeachment off the table as early as May 2006 in
the runup to the November general election, against the will of
Pelosi's San Francisco constituents who passed a non-binding resolution
(Proposition J) calling on the impeachment of Bush and Cheney.
Asked what Benjamin believes is the reason why Pelosi led the
charge to take impeachment off the table, Benjamin said: "I
think they listened to their advisors too much and their advisors
have said to them impeachment is devisive; it will distract from
the upcoming presidential election; the American people want people
who are positive and have a positive message uniting the country,
not dividing it. But I don't think that's true. The polls show
that over 50 per cent of the people think we were misled into
war, that impeachment is a legitimate process for holding the
president and vice president accountable.
"So we are really here to say impeachment is in the constitution
for a reason and that, if indeed we were misled into this war,
that is a high crime and misdemeanor that fits the definition
of impeachment."
Commenting on current hostilies with Iran, Benjamin said: "It's
also a very dangerous time with Iran with the 15 British soldiers
who are being held by the Iranians. We'd like to see those soldiers
set free, but we also want Nancy Pelosi to put back into legislation
something she took out which is that this president cannot attack
Iran without first going to congress.
"We want congress to be very clear that the American people
don't want another war, we want to avoid any confrontation with
Iran and the differences should be settled through peaceful means.
"The conservative blue dog democrats said the only way they
would agree to her legislation is if they took the amendment that
the president couldn't attack Iran without first going to congress.
"It's all quite silly because really the constitution gives
congress the right to declare war but the president of course
has defied that in the case of Iraq and needs to be reminded in
the case of Iran. So Nancy Pelosi took it out and we want it put
back in."