Schwarzenegger vetoes California Dream Act

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Caitlin Cassady
October 14, 2007
California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has vetoed bill SB 1,
the California Dream Act, which would have enabled qualifying
undocumented students to apply for two types of non competitive
state financial aid.
Schwarzenegger said he vetoed the bill because he thought extending
aid to those students would put a strain on the General Fund.
In a veto message on the governor's Web site, Schwarzenegger said
that at a time when students with legal status are already paying
increased tuition fees, a bill like this would not be a prudent
SB 1 would enable students to apply for the Cal Grant Entitlement
and have community college fees waived. According to the office
of Sen. Gilbert Cedillo, D-Los Angeles, costs of the bill averaged
out to an additional .018 percent of General Fund money.
The bill won support across California, from both the state and
university systems as well as the Community College League. Other
supporters included the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce and the
San Francisco Chamber of Commerce.
A variety of newspapers lauded the bill as being a balanced and
pragmatic solution to expanding the state's college graduates
without taking money away from students with legal status.
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