Feinstein supports moving presidential primary
to February

Senator Dianne Feinstein
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Jason Bennert, Bay City News Service
January 24, 2007
Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., today announced her support
for a proposal to move California's 2008 presidential primary
election from its current June date up to February.
Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and the Democratic leaders
of the Legislature have said they want to move the primary to
the beginning of the year to give California more influence in
the presidential selection process for both parties. Historically
California has been largely irrelevant, except as a source for
campaign contributions, in selection of both parties' presidential
nominees because of its late primary date.
"California is the largest state in the nation and has 55
electoral votes -- far more than any other state. But ... because
of the front-loaded presidential primaries, by the time Californians
go to the polls
in June, the decision has already been made,'' Feinstein said.
"California deserves to have a strong voice in selecting
presidential nominees. For this reason, I support moving the primary
to February.''
If California officials move the primary to February it could
potentially set off a stampede by other states to move their presidential
primaries even earlier. The last time California tried to become
relevant in the presidential nominating process, in 1996 when
its primary moved from June to March, numerous other states then
moved their primaries to dates before California's.
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