Bay Area group announces grant at Global Warming

Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Brent Begin, Bay City News Service
November 11, 2006
SAN FRANCISCO (BCN) - A Bay Area ecological group announced
a $3 million grant Friday in San Francisco to fund local climate
protection projects and programs.
The announcement came at the Climate Protection Summit, a gathering
of policymakers intent on reversing pollution trends and global
The Bay Area Air Quality Management District, a regional agency
comprised of mayors, supervisors and other political figures from
seven Bay Area counties, organized the event and gathered the
$3 million for the grant.
Former Vice President Al Gore was the keynote speaker at the
event but his speech was not open to the media. In a statement
he said that swift action now would make a big difference in protecting
the global climate.
"The good news is that we can slow and reverse the trend
of global warming if we take action now and we spread the word,"
Gore said. "Here we have a public agency taking the lead
and providing the incentives, and we have the enthusiastic participation
of private business and community-based nonprofit organizations
that are working together, sharing ideas and implementing exciting
The summit comes at a time when San Francisco has played host
to other environmental summits. In July, British Prime Minister
Tony Blair met with San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom and Gov.
Arnold Schwarzenegger to discuss initiatives to fight global warming.
Newsom, who was unable to attend the summit, announced Friday
that San Francisco was the first city in the country to certify
its greenhouse emissions with the California Climate Action Registry,
a nonprofit group tracking the success and failure of ecological
"The enormity of the of the danger means it's time for all
cities to take action locally, and not follow Washington in denial,"
Newsom said in a statement.
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