Al Gore: "Planetary Emergency!"
Urges support of Proposition 87

Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore. File photo (6/5/5)
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Jeff Shuttleworth, Bay City News Service
October 28, 2006
BERKELEY (BCN) - Former Vice President Al Gore said this
week that a state proposition that would raise taxes on oil extracted
from California, by up to 6 percent, is needed because the world
is facing a climate crisis that's "a full-scale planetary

Speaking to more than 500 people at a park near the Berkeley
City Hall at a rally supporting Proposition 87, Gore said, "Our
planet has a fever and it's not going away. It will get worse
until you do something about it." Gore said, "This climate
crisis is like nothing else we have faced."

Gore didn't talk about the specifics of Prop 87, which is on
the Nov. 7 ballot, but supporters say it would establish a $4
billion program to reduce petroleum consumption through incentive
for alternative energy, education and training.
Supporters say it would reduce California's use of gas and diesel
by 25 percent over the next 10 years with cleaner alternatives
such as wind, solar and biofuels.

Gore said, "I'm pretty tired of being so dependent on foreign
oil," stating that some of the money that goes to buy oil
in the Middle East is siphoned off to fund terrorism.
Gore said Californians "can startle the world" and
"chart your own course to the future" by passing Prop
The former vice president said, "We can take destiny into
our own hands and it starts right here in California when you
pass Proposition 87."
Opponents of Prop 87 say higher taxes on domestic oil will result
in more dependence on foreign oil.
In their ballot argument, they say, "Economists report that
taxing California production will reduce in-state oil production
and increase our dependence on foreign oil. Oil from the Middle
East and other countries costs more to get here and costs more
to refine once here."
The Yes on 87 campaign is supported by former President Bill
Clinton and several Nobel Prize laureates.