Herrera files against notorius street gang

City Attorney Dennis Herrera
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Brent Begin, Bay City News Service
October 23, 2006
SAN FRANCISCO (BCN) - San Francisco City Attorney Dennis
Herrera hopes to free a community under siege from gang violence
by convincing a judge next Monday to grant a civil injunction
against a notorious street gang. Oakdale Mob, a 10-year-old criminal
street gang, is believed to have played a part in at least 12
homicides in the last three years along with a laundry list of
criminal activity from assaults to drug dealing, according to
While other cities such as Los Angeles have used civil complaints
to abate gang violence, this complaint for injunctive relief to
abate a public nuisance is a first for San Francisco.
The injunction would turn a patch of land in the Bayview district
- from Palou Avenue and Navy Road to Griffith and Ingalls streets
- into a safety zone where police could arrest known Oakdale Mob
gang members for infractions as minor as violating a 10 p.m. curfew
or associating with other members.
According to Herrera, neighbors in the area deserve the added
protection because their freedom is constantly threatened by the
gang's intimidating methods.
"These citizens have a right to live without fear,"
the complaint reads. "They have the right to have the peaceful
and quiet enjoyment of their community. Their children have the
right to play in their own front yards and to ride their bikes
down the sidewalk in front of their own homes without fear of
harm from gang violence."
The injunction goes before Superior Court Judge Peter J. Busch
on Oct. 30 in Room 301 of the San Francisco Superior Court Civic
Center Courthouse at 400 McAllister St.
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