Yahoo! co-founder becomes company's CEO

Jerry Yang
Photo courtesy Texas
Tech Today
By Jason Bennert
June 18, 2007
Yahoo! announced today that company co-founder Jerry Yang will
replace Terry Semel as the company's chief executive officer.
Semel, 64, has been CEO of the pioneering Sunnyvale-based Internet
company since 2001.
He will remain as the non-executive chairman of the Yahoo! Board
of Directors.
"This is the time for new executive leadership, with different
skills and strengths, to step in and drive the company to realize
its full potential - it is the right thing to do, and the right
time is now,'' Semel said in a letter to the Yahoo! board.
Yang, 39, co-founded Yahoo! in 1995 with fellow Stanford University
graduate student Dave Filo. He also serves on the Stanford University
Board of Trustees and on the Cisco Systems board of directors.
"I'm delighted to assume this leadership role at the company
David Filo and I started 12 years ago. I want to thank Terry for
his many contributions to Yahoo! and for giving the company six
of its best years. He has been not only a strong leader, but a
consummate partner,'' Yang said in a statement.
Yahoo! also announced that company executive Sue Decker has been
promoted to president.
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