Assemblyman Leno kicks off bike commute month

Assemblymember Mark Leno (file photo)
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Elizabeth Daley
May 2, 2007
In honor of California's "Bike Commute Month," Assemblyman
Mark Leno pedaled to work at the state Capitol Tuesday. He is
also promoting a bill to require city planners to "address
the needs of all roadway users."
According to Leno's office, AB 1358 will require each city or
county to devise a general plan to identify how they will accommodate
circulation of all roadway users, including motorists, pedestrians,
bicyclists, children, seniors, individuals with disabilities,
and users of public transportation.
"Streets aren't just for cars, they're for people and AB1358
will ensure our roadways are safe and convenient for everyone
-- young or old, riding a bike or on foot, in a car or on a bus,"
Leno said.
Leno authored the bill based on a national movement aimed at
building so-called "complete streets" for all roadway
users. Should the bill pass, new general plan provisions would
be required if local governments revise traffic flow in order
to ease congestion.
"Complete Streets ensures that tax dollars are invested
to serve all Californians, and protect and enhance our quality
of life now and in the future," said K.C. Butler, Executive
Director of the California Bicycle Coalition.

Kent Strumpell, Los Angeles Bicycle Coalition Board Member (right),
presents Leno with a petition in support of Leno's Complete
Streets measure.
According to Leno's office, the complete streets program has
many societal and public health benefits and would help decrease
spending to retrofit roadways, reduce roadway congestion, lower
greenhouse gas emissions and combat obesity.
Leno's office cited a study that found 43 percent of people with
safe places to walk within 10 minutes of home met recommended
physical activity levels. In Portland, Ore., a complete streets
approach to city planning resulted in a 74 percent increase in
bicycle commuting, Leno's office reported.
AB1358 was passed in the Assembly Committee on Local Government
on April 18 and will be heard next in the Assembly Committee on
Appropriations, Leno's office reported.
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