Caltrans moves up MacArthur Maze I-880 connector
repair completion estimate to next Wednesday
I- 580 ramp will be repaired in approximately
50 days

Caltrans announced today the damaged section of the I-880 MacArthur
Maze interstate connector will be repaired as early as next Wednesday.
The Interstate Highway 580 ramp will be repaired in approximately
50 days.
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Caitlin Cassady
May 4, 2007
Bay Area drivers can expect to be using the Interstate Highway
880 ramp that was damaged in Sunday's tanker truck accident as
early as next Wednesday, Caltrans spokesman Bob Haus said this
The damaged section of I-880 is expected to be open for traffic
in five to eight days, Haus said. The highway sustained damage,
but the section is still structurally sound, so Caltrans will
not need to replace any steel on that part of the road.
"Right now we are concentrating on false work, which is
temporary external supports that we will attach to the freeway,''
Haus said.
Caltrans crews will attach long steel columns to the highway
to brace the road deck, so that crews can attach jacks and lift
the freeway 9 inches. By lifting the section of road workers will
be able to straighten the steel that was warped during the accident.
Crews will be repaving the road deck that was damaged by the
fire at the same time as other crews are straightening the steel
beams, according to Haus.
The Interstate Highway 580 ramp will be repaired in approximately
50 days, Haus said.
Around nine contractors will submit bids for the repair job and
the contract will be awarded the afternoon of May 7.
The contract will contain both incentives and disincentives,
Haus said. The repairs should be done by June 29, and for every
day before that date the repairs are finished, the contractor
will receive $200,000. However, for every day after June 29 that
the highway is not completed, the contractor will owe $200,000,
Haus said.
The interchanges from eastbound Interstate Highway 80 to eastbound
Interstate Highway 580 and from westbound Interstate Highway 80
to southbound Interstate Highway 880, were damaged after a tanker
truck crashed and exploded early
Sunday morning, which caused the collapse of the freeways,
according to Caltrans.

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