McGoldrick recall a "waste of everybody's

Supervisor Jake McGoldrick.
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Tamara Barak
May 30, 2007
Richmond District merchants and residents demanding the recall
of San Francisco Supervisor Jake McGoldrick formally kicked off
their campaign today, marching through the neighborhood to collect
needed signatures.
The group, Richmond Deserves Better, claims McGoldrick, who has
represented the Richmond District since 2000, is quick to increase
taxes, refuses to meet with his constituents, and doesn't care
about the concerns of small business owners.
Recall supporters also say McGoldrick's legislation for Saturday
road closures in Golden Gate Park went against the will of voters
in the Richmond District. They also accuse the supervisor of forcing
a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) plan onto the neighborhood without consulting
Geary Street merchants who would be affected by the construction.
"Jake McGoldrick has not been responsive to our needs,"
said Paul Kozakiewicz, a spokesman for the recall effort.
Kozakiewicz, who publishes the newspaper The Richmond Review,
said he once supported McGoldrick before coming to question the
twice-elected supervisor's competence and ethics.
Kozakiewicz's recent editorials criticizing McGoldrick became
the catalyst for Michael Samson to begin meeting with the recall
group a couple of months ago, Samson said.
Samson, who moved to the Richmond in 1972 and is a member of
the Friends of Sutro Park, said the need for a recall becomes
apparent by simply looking around the neighborhood.
"All the shuttered businesses, the congestion, the condition
of the roads - I'm not blaming Jake McGoldrick for all these problems,
but we need a supervisor who will represent strong leadership,"
to solve the problems, he said.
The group, which needs to collect 4,000 signatures to secure
the recall on the November ballot, faces serious opposition.
San Francisco Firefighters, the San Francisco Democratic Central
Committee and State Sen. Leland Yee have all spoken out against
the recall as unfounded and wasteful.
They have also joined an opposing group, Citizens Against Recall
Abuse. The group's campaign manager, Les Hilger, said about a
dozen volunteers opposed to the recall canvassed Richmond District
streets during Memorial Day weekend.
"Unlike what you're hearing from recall proponents, we're
finding a lot of support in the community for Supervisor McGoldrick,"
Hilger said.
In a written statement, John Hanley, president of the San Francisco
Firefighters, called the recall effort "a complete waste
of everybody's time and money," since McGoldrick's term expires
next year due to term limits.
"Every penny spent on the recall is money stolen from public
safety and other essential services," Hanley said.
Yee also spoke out against the recall.
"In my mind, this is an abuse of the recall process, which
is meant for serious problems like corruption, not just a disagreement
on the issues," he said.
The San Francisco Democratic Central committee Wednesday night
unanimously passed a resolution opposing the recall. Those voting
against the recall included Yee, U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein; House
Speaker Nancy Pelosi; U.S. Congressman Tom Lantos; State Sen.
Carole Migden and Assemblyman Mark Leno, according to the Citizens
Against Recall Abuse.
McGoldrick was not immediately available for comment. In a written
statement, he thanked the Democratic Party leadership for its
support and called the recall "an unfortunate distraction
for both me and the residents of the Richmond."
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