San Francisco Supervisors agree with voters:
Mayor should appear monthly at meetings
Alioto-Pier casts lone dissenting vote

District 2 Supervisor Michela Alioto-Pier, at the first regularly
scheduled Board of Supervisors meeting of 2007, cast the lone
dissenting vote against a non-binding resolution compelling the
mayor of San Francisco to attend board meetings once a month.
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Emmett Berg, Bay City News Service
January 10, 2007
SAN FRANCISCO (BCN) - Supervisors in San Francisco voted
10-1 yesterday to schedule monthly appearances by Mayor Gavin
Newsom at their meetings, a non-binding resolution the lone dissenting
supervisor called "gotcha politics."
Supervisor Michaela Alioto-Pier disparaged the board action,
which was linked to voter passage last November of Measure I.
The measure, approved by 56 percent of voters, asked, "Shall
it be City policy to urge the Mayor to appear in person at one
regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Supervisors each month
to engage in formal policy discussions with members of the Board?"
Alioto-Pier asserted that neither the voter measure nor the board
rule change passed by the supervisors yesterday actually had the
effect of forcing the mayor to appear at meetings of the Board
of Supervisors. That would require a charter amendment, she said.
The mayor wasn't likely to show up at board meetings, said Alioto-Pier,
who is considered an ally of Newsom's.
"I believe quite honestly we are lowering ourselves,"
the supervisor said. "Let's not play 'gotcha' politics with
our agenda. Let it go."
No one from the mayor's office was immediately available to comment.
None of the 10 supervisors who voted yes offered comments before
the board.
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