Mengyao Zhou autopsy: No signs of foul play

Stanford University graduate
Mengyao "May" Zhou
By James Lanaras, Bay City News Service
January 27, 2007
SANTA ROSA (BCN) - An autopsy on Stanford University
graduate student Mengyao "May'' Zhou disclosed no visible
signs of trauma to her body or any new indications that foul play
was involved in her death, Santa Rosa police said Friday.
Zhou, 23, was found dead in the trunk of her silver Toyota Corolla
on Thursday afternoon. The car was found in a parking lot at Santa
Rosa Junior College and towed to an impound yard.
Police said on Thursday they found items in the trunk that indicated
Zhou might have committed suicide, but they made no mention of
that theory today.
"Toxicology and other lab results will not be available
for several weeks. No final determination on a cause of death
will be announced until all test results are returned and all
evidence is processed,'' police said in a statement.
Police said they are still interviewing people who may have information
regarding the circumstances of her death.
During a phone call this afternoon, Yitong Zhou, May Zhou's father,
said he believes foul play was involved and he said he doesn't
believe his daughter committed suicide.
He said his daughter's roommate saw no sign his daughter was
depressed and that his daughter did not have any problems with
her school work.
Zhou was last seen leaving her apartment on the Stanford campus
on Saturday morning.
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