Supervisors reject salary funding
for SFO tourism director

International Economic and Tourism Development Director Bill Lee
takes questions from reporters after Supervisors voted unanimously
to reject funding for his salary.
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
January 11, 2007
Supervisors voted unanimously Wednesday to reject salary funding
for International Economic and Tourism Development Director Bill
Lee, who has strong support in the Chinese-American community,
was appointed to the position of City Administrator by former
Mayor Frank Jordan in 1995 and reappointed by former Mayor Willie
Brown in 2000. In 2005, Mayor Gavin Newsom appointed Lee to the
position of International Economic and Tourism Development Director
after installing Ed Lee to the position of City Administrator.
Supervisors Chris Daly, Aaron Peskin and Bevan Dufty voted unanimously
to decline Lee's salary funding request, a request received by
the Budget and Finance Committee in the form of a letter from
the Mayor's Office.
"We have a two-paragraph letter that simply says release
the funds and that's it. Frankly I find it insulting," Dufty
"I am not going to vote for a position based on community
politics," Dufty added.
Supervisor Aaron Peskin called the funding request "hooey".
"This is so much hooey. You know it, I know it," Peskin
said in response to Assistant Deputy Airport Director Peter Nardoza's
explanation of Lee's position.

Supervisor Aaron Peskin (right).
Following the vote, Lee spoke to reporters and faulted the Mayor's
Office for not supporting him.
"It's really up to the Mayor's Office to put more out there
to support the staff," he said.
Lee is expected to hold his post until alternative funding sources
are found to fund his position.