BOS Hogs softball team return to the diamond
to fundraise for The Workers' Children's Fund

Supervisoral aide Boris Delepine returns to the plate at Moscone
Park in hopes of beating Barry Bonds' dream of surpassing Hank
Aaron's home-run record.
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Boe Hayward
May 13, 2006
San Francisco - The BOS Hogs, the Board of Supervisors
Softball team, were back on the field last weekend in the City's
annual fundraiser for The Workers' Children's Fund. The tournament
featured more than 20 teams from various City Department's (plus
a few community "ringer" teams) including teams from
MUNI, DPT, the Deputy Sheriff's Association, Admin Services, the
SFPD, DPW, the DA's office and the Mayor's Office
The Hogs came out swinging in their first game and defeated "The
Beasts of Bourbon," a community team on Saturday morning.
In their second game, the Hogs crushed the District Attorney's
team by a final score of 17-3. The Hogs were paced by Supervisors
Chris Daly and Sean Elsbernd who each belted home runs showing
that progressives and moderates can agree on the greatness of
the homerun.
The Hogs continued the winning on Sunday morning with a strong
win over MUNI.
The good times soon ended for the Hogs, as the "Connecticut
Yankee's," a community team, beat them. It should be noted
that the "Connecticut Yankee's" won the 2004 US National
Championship in Omaha, Nebraska and were also the eventual 2006
Champion of the Workers' Children's Fund Tournament. According
to their manager, the Yankees have a record of 176-4 since 2004.
In their final game, the Hogs lost to the Deputy Sheriff's, the
tournament's second place finisher, in a tough game and ended
their 2006 tournament with a 3-2 record. It was the Hogs best
finish in Franchise History and they are already looking forward
to their next season.
Coach Frances Hsieh the Hogs Third Baseman told reporters that,
"this tournament was all for the kids," and she quickly
added that the Hogs "are really looking forward to getting
the team back together for the upcoming summer league."

District 6 Supervisor Chris Daly swings and connects on first
pitch in the opening inning against a disciplined opponent, patched
together by the District Attorney's office.

Like a Swiss watch, super-slugger Supervisor Sean Elsbernd times
his swing
with accuracy, precision and perfection.
The ball has never been recovered, last seen orbiting Pluto.

Supervisoral aide Sarah Ballard huffs and puffs to help the ball
on it's way to a base hit.

Supervisoral aide Boe Hayward, DCCC candidate, connoisseur, and
part-time lion tamer,
more than made up for a few innings of blind man pitching
with a supersonic galaxy departer.

Supervisoral aide Cassandra Costello, shows fine form
as she connects for a double base hit..

Supervisoral aide Francis Hsieh can hit a ball without looking
at it. Now that's talent!

... she can also run the 100 yard dash in as little time
as it takes to respond to a sunshine request.

What a catch!