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Community Initiated Justice Strategies
District Based Planning


December 12, 2005

Adopted by the San Francisco Juvenile Probation Commission

To develop a community driven district based strategic planning infrastructure and process that:

§ Involves all stakeholders; Consumers, policy makers, public, private, non-profit, faith based providers of services.

§ Creates a coordinated, integrated district strategy for the use of programs, staffs and funds by all providers to address the crisis of murder, violence and its underlying socio-economic causes for at risk youth/adults.

§ Develops strategies within and between all districts with a focus on the most impacted - 5, 6, 7, 9,10, 11.

Planning Principles:

Mandated participation in planning process:
§ All public departments and related private, non-profit and faith based providers of services in the district(s), as a condition of funding, must participate in the strategic planning process and demonstrate how their programs, staff and budgets are integrated into a coherent strategy for their activities.

Integrate organizations, programs, services:
§ Create decentralized district based plan to blend programs, staffs, budgets, and funding strategies of public, private, non-profit and faith based agencies, providing social and economic activities. Standardize forms, program criteria, evaluation and reporting processes.

Accountability for use of resources/funds:
§ Use monthly, quarterly, and annual performance data, consumer quality questionnaires, and random sample surveys to
measure performance in implementing strategic plans.

Ensure sustainability/Most effective service(s) receive funds
§ The city's general fund and other sources of funding should be available to the most effective system (s) of service, public departments, private, non-profit agencies or a blending of these.

§ The city should work with the community to develop civil service or prevailing wages classifications for staff of community based agencies providing critically needed services not provided by public agencies..

District Planning Infrastructure:

The proposed committee infrastructure integrates the numerous disconnected planning activities of all stakeholder groups into a seamless process that coordinates planning of programs/ budgets and delivery of services, sharing of information within and between policy makers/government, systems that provide services and the consumers they serve, and emphasizes participation
and leadership of the recipient of services in the planning process…The District Supervisor and staff should sponsor/participate in and use the planning process as a basis for recommending programs and funds for the district.


The Mayors Office of Neighborhood Services (MONS) along with designated planners from existing public, private, community based agencies, supplemented by public policy masters candidates from UC and SFSU, will help staff the district planning process under the direction of the district planning committee(s).

District strategic planning committees:

A district strategic planning committee will be formed to develop strategic plans for the district. The committee will be cochaired by a consumer and provider of services. The committees will include representatives from all stakeholders groups: Consumers, youth, parents, labor, civic organizations, public, private, non-profit and faith based providers of services,

The committees will:
§ Act as the central clearinghouse for all public, private, community based planning activities

§ Identify: Type of services needed by residents at various stages of risk; existing public, private, nonprofit programs and funds in the district; additional programs and funds needed to address the crisis.

§ Analyze the effectiveness of existing legislation, policies, plans, programs and use of funds by all providers of

§ Use the analysis to set priorities and develop strategic plans, for the use of programs and funds for the district.

§ Monitor the implementation of strategic plans and use of funds

§ Use the strategic plans as the foundation for developing district budget

The district committees will use the following bodies to assist in developing strategic plans

Provider cluster groups :
Public departments, related private, non-profit and faith based agencies providing the same types of services will form provider cluster groups to develop integrated strategic cluster plans for the use of funds and programs for their activity ie health, public safety education- within districts. Each cluster should develop priorities for programs and funding, all members of the cluster public, private, community based agencies should be committed to ensuring that the priorities are funded jointly through the overall budgets available to all members of the cluster, and were relevant between clusters

Subject area Focus groups :
§ The district strategic planning committees will form focus groups that address specific subject areas health/public safety employment etc. The groups will be made up all stakeholders and be chaired by a consumer and the primary providers of services for that activity.

Organizational Infrastructure to Implement Strategic Plans:
Establish an official district Continuum of Care Consortium (CCC) involving public, private, non-profit providers of services. The CCC will coordinate and integrate implementation strategies, developed by the planning committees, to address the social and economic issues of residents in the district.

One Stop Resource Center(s)

Establish accessible, one stop Community Resource Center(s). (CRC'S) - staffed by public, private and community based agencies (JPD,DPH,HSA, SFPD, SFUSD, SFHA, CBOs ). The CRC will provide intake, assessment, direct and referral services to a broad network of CCC programs. A district computerized Citi-Stat System will be established to continuously track and link all programs, funds and measure performance/accountability in meeting
proposed strategies.

Key Programmatic Strategies

1: Homicide, Crime and Violence:
Work with the Office of Community Policing (OCP)
n The Office of Community Policing established through a MOU between the SFPD, Mayors Office, and the AACPRB, is designed to change the culture of how policing is conducted. OCP Director Con Johnson, will select, train, supervise and certify peace officers in the principles of community policing. The OCP officers will be assigned to walk the streets in all high impact areas through out the city. They will work to develop mutual respect and trust

- between the OCP and the residents' in the district (s).
- The CCC will work directly with the OCP in developing and providing an array of services they can use as alternatives to incarceration and referrals for general support services residents may need.

Establish community street workers /mobile street patrol:

Place well disciplined and trained street workers, who are familiar with and not afraid of interacting with at risk youth/adults at all hot points in districts. The street workers will be supervised and trained by the Center for Self Improvement and Community Development. The street workers will wear special insignia jackets that identify them.

The Street workers will:
- Be on the streets in high impact areas in the neighborhood, on a twenty four hour rotating basis. Use vans to do a roving street patrol, transport residents to safe areas, CCC services.

- Establish a policy of zero tolerance for violence and homicide, establish and patrol violence free zones.

- Interact with residents, intervene and mediate individual and group conflicts, hold ongoing meetings between rival factions, advocate violence prevention, guide individuals to alternatives to anti-social behavior

- Be at targeted school sites, working in coordination with: school staff, school resource officers, truancy programs, and on targeted buses before and after school.

- Go door to door to access youth/family needs and refer them to CRC and CCC comprehensive support services.

- Act as role models, mentors, surrogate family for youth/adults who have no or little family support or guidance, teach personal responsibility, discipline, morals, code of ethics, values, and self esteem.

Use Public Employees as Mentors.

- Give public department employees specific hours of release time to work with the outreach workers in mentoring at risk residents.

- Request that military personnel in area be given a set number of release hours to mentor at risk residents.

2:1 Disproportionate involvement with the criminal justice system

Develop criminal justice infrastructure
- The OCP, DA, PD, JPD, SD, MOCJ, SFA,OFJ, OCC and CCC should develop a formal coordinated, integrated staffed infrastructure to plan and coordinate crime prevention/intervention/diversion strategies.

Develop protocols
-- Develop risk assessment criteria, with graduated sanctions, to act as policy guidelines for police officers to divertresidents to the CRC and CCC support programs instead of the criminal justice system.

Develop basic services
- Develop CCC community liaisons at Youth Guidance Center and Hall of Justice to assist clients and their families navigate the system, and provide the court with CCC alternative plans to divert residents from the criminal justice system.

- Establish Evening Reporting Center at CRC with the capacity to serve residents ( 7days a week) who are eligible to be diverted from detention
n Expand home detention, intensive case management programs (DDAP), electric monitoring services.
n Develop comprehensive transitional and integration after care programs for individuals transitioning from Log Cabin, California Youth Authority, County Jail , prison.

2:2 High percentage rate of out of home placement

Increase Family Unification Services
-- Strengthen comprehensive family reunification programs for males and females to strengthen and keep families

-- Develop/expand comprehensive parenting training/ counseling programs.

-- Develop alternative family structures for youth- foster care, group homes, mentor families, peer support groups.

--Develop corps of block parents who will work with street workers to interact, mentor, teach personal responsibility, discipline, morals, code of ethics, values, and self esteem to children and young adults who live on their block

Develop Housing/ Increase Case Management

- Develop: Male transitional housing programs, including intensive case management and mental health services; Develop transitional housing program for females and pregnant parenting program each lasting six months to one year. Provide intensive case management and mental health services.

- Renovate and develop alternative housing and a wide range of multi-disciplinary support programs for males and females at Log Cabin/Hidden Valley Ranches. To include: A residential education program, vocational training, substance abuse, health, mental health services (residential treatment), leadership development, cultural awareness.

3: Improve Academic Achievement:

Develop Education Corps
- Develop highly trained/ motivated Education Corp (EC) made up of college, high school students who will act as tutors and mentors to improve the academic and life skills of under achieving students. Special emphasis will be placed on insuring that elementary school students are at the level of proffiency they are supposed to be at, as this is an indicator of future academic performance, and middle, high school and individuals out of school.

Concentrate on STAR and County Community Schools.
- EC staff will be paid stipends to tutor students during and after school. The SFSU College of Education will train Corp members.

- EC staff will wear special insignia jackets and berets that identify them as Corp members.

Mandate Public, Private, Non-profit Agencies Provide On-Site Support for Schools.

-- The Mayor and District Supervisor should instruct the CCC 'S public, private, non-profit providers to develop memorandums of understanding with targeted schools to provide multi-service support resources: tutoring, mentoring, health, mental health, counseling, youth leadership development, conflict resolution, anti-truancy, training in morals, ethics, personal responsibility, culturally relevant history, art, music programs.

Use Public Employees as Tutors.
-- Give staff from public departments a set number of hours per month of release time to provide tutoring and mentoring
services to students.

--Request military personnel in area be given a set number of hours of release time to act as tutors and mentors in targeted schools.

Involve Culturally Relevant Artists
--Involve artists such as JT the Bigga Figga , Loco Bloco, Youth Speaks, and other culturally relevant groups in an antitruancy and achieving educational excellence campaign at targeted schools.

4:1 Employment:

Expand Opportunities
- MOCD, PIC and private, non-profit employment agencies within the district should develop a coordinated job development strategy to include: use of reverse phone directory to identify all businesses within districts; campaign to have businesses adopt a neighborhood employment first policy, have businesses define job skills, establish training program with relevant employment agency; tax credits to businesses employing residents.
n Expand MYEP and EDEP programs. Place EDD and ATP staff at CRC offices, target all major developments to hire this target population - Shipyard, Laguna Honda, etc.

4:2 Economic Development

Expand Opportunities
-- MOCD MOED/ /RDA, City's and Ethnic Chamber of Commerce's should develop coordinated strategies to: expand opportunities for business ownership; provide training and support services that will assist residents to become entrepreneurs; establish entrepreneurial programs in targeted schools, develop curriculum, and instruct students about how to start and run a business.

Encourage joint ventures:
-- Provide business tax credits and other incentives to encourage established businesses wanting to or doing business in the district to develop joint venture projects with interested district entrepreneurs.

African American Police Community Relations Board (AAPCRB) Proposal - 2/04 Adopted by Juvenile Probation Commission 6//04 AAPCRB Contact- Jim_queen@msn.com




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