Businesswomen gear to volunteer
with four new Project Connect models
June 9 launch for Project Green Connect,
Project Youth & Jobs Connect, Project Tech Connect,
and Project Housing First Connect

Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
April 27, 2006
San Francisco businesswomen yesterday heard four new opportunities
for volunteerism based on the Project Homeless Connect model.
Project Green Connect, Project Youth & Jobs Connect, Project
Tech Connect, and Project Housing First Connect will be launched
June 9, Mayor Gavin Newsom detailed, the same of day Project
Homeless Connect 11.
The connect model brings under one roof a combination City agencies
for immediate service intake, volunteers with any skill to offer,
as well as footwork and contributions of small and large business.
Thirty-one cities have adopted Project Homeless Connect with
President Bush proclaiming a National Project Homeless Connect
Day through "legitimate larceny," Newsom said.

Mayor Gavin Newsom
Wells Fargo Bank hosted the penthouse luncheon for current and
prospective donors of business services and cash contributions.
Ellen Newman, who participated this month in Project Homeless
Connect outreach, described her reaction.
"I'm so excited!" Newman told the Sentinel.

Ellen Newman of Newman Associates
"This is the most exciting thing I've seen in all these
Newman heads the marketing firm of Newman Associates and volunteered
company services to community projects since the 1970s, she stated.
Alex Tourk, City point man for initial creation of the connect
model, summarized expanded efforts slated for June.

Mayoral Deputy Chief of Staff Alex Tourk
PROJECT GREEN CONNECT - Three components to focus on parks,
citywide tree planting, and greening of public spaces. Greening
of the 8th and Harrison Streets freeway on and off ramps are first
on the schedule.
PROJECT YOUTH & JOBS CONNECT - Initial target of 1,000
youth employed. Recruitment of retired professionals to mentor
youth job advancement.
PROJECT TECH CONNECT - Initial target of 1,117 families
provided with computers and computer use training.
PROJECT HOUSING FIRST CONNECT - Designed for permanent
housing placement of the homeless over temporary shelter.
"My goal as mayor is to shut down all overnight shelters
and have only one emergency shelter," reported Newsom.
Some 95% of Project Homeless Connect clients remain in services
obtained, Tourk added, noting early skepticism from City workers
and homeless advocates toward the project.
Wells Fargo Bank is a major underwriter of the connect models.