With h brown

Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
Watching Krissy run for Kongress XX
(for mature audiences only)
September 29, 2006
"I got bottom!!"
(Ammiano responds to word of my column series)
Lots has happened since I spoke to you as a group. First, I
keep writing and re-writing (very, very rare for me - I should
never listen to friends) ... writing and re-writing the second
installment of my election season scenario built around how Tom
Ammiano and I save the City from Fisher and Shorenstein.
The opening quote from Tom came when I passed he and a couple
of his staff on the sidewalk in front of City Hall last week.
I called out that I was writing a 10 part series about he and
I, and he called out the "bottom" line. The guy is really
funny. Course, I changed his name in the series so's no one would
know who he is. I call him Tom Ammianyo. (No one will ever
guess who it is).
Let me get some things out of the way here cause I promised
Luke a column by noon. I'm just gonna rattle things in the order
I see them, vis-a-vis import.
Pelosi and the League of Women Voters
The SF League of Women Voters is a rubber stamp for Nancy Pelosi,
has been for years. It is the only SF race the SFLWV refuse to
schedule a debate for. This is because Nancy is completely unpredictable
in front of a microphone and tends to fold in debates. This time
around, with great speakers like Mike DeNunzio, Phil Berg and
Krissy Keefer in the hunt, it makes sense they keep her in Washington,
or protected in closed studios before a hand-picked audiences
of transfixed supporters.
The usurption of the League by Pelosi's forces is particularly
Pelosi lackey heads up SF League of Women Voters
The president of the SF League of Women Voters is a lady named
Jody Sanford. For years she's also been the Public Affairs Officer
for the Presidio Trust, founded by Pelosi for the benefit of the
rich. Now, I don't know about you, but I find it outrageous that
someone who effectively works for Pelosi, is refusing to schedule
a public debate with Pelosi, under the auspices of the League.
Not even having touched upon Pelosi's practice of passing prime
closed military-base property all over the country to a company
that made her nephew a Senior Vice President (now he works for
an investment company that lends money to them).
Yeah, the League hasn't been the neutral body it claims to be
for many years, but on the issue of inviting Pelosi to a debate,
they've gone over the edge into a purely partisan stance.
The local League sponsors debates for every single City office,"that
is of concern, or effects San Franciscans," but refuses to
sponsor a debate for the 8th Congressional District of the United
States Congress which is located wholly within the San Francisco
City limits.
When I called and wrote to ask why they wouldn't hold a debate,
their sole staffer (nice lady named Gandri) emailed me to say
that they couldn't do "EVERYTHING" and that if I thought
it was so important that Nancy debate, I should join the League
and push the idea. She noted that they didn't feel the people
of San Francisco were interested in a debate between congressional
candidates. Also, she noted that League President, Sanford, was
very busy and might look at our proposal (DeNunzio, Berg and Keefer
have already debated on Access TV's on Steve Seltzer's, 'Labor
Talk'). Ms. Gandri said Sanford might look at the proposal, "if
she got around to it".
h brown challenges the League of Women Voters:
To prove me wrong, extend an invitation to all the candidates
who wish to represent the City and County of San Francisco in
United States Congress, and that includes Pelosi who has so far
refused all candidate requests for debate. The argument that San
Franciscans would NOT be interested in such a debate is the biggest
pile of bullshit I have ever heard in my life. At 10 bucks a head,
the debate would sell out PacBell Park! Could it be that Pelosi
is vulnerable for her appropriations support of the Iraq war in
a city that is largely anti-war?
Now, what would the PR chief in the Presidio be so busy with
in the meantime? Maybe covering the tracks the Pelosi Cartel leaves
all over the country as she uses her position in the House of
Representatives to enrich her family and friends to the tune of
billions and billions of dollars. This is not an exaggeration.
Hey, you know me, I'm definitely susceptible to exaggeration but
reality is beyond my meager imagination when it comes to Pelosi
and the nepotistic way she uses her office. Let's start with her
nephew, Laurence Pelosi...
Pelosi ties to mega-developer Lennar
... Laurence Pelosi resigned from Lennar to become Gavin Newsom's
2007 re-election Campaign Treasurer. The Mayor has pushed Lennar
interests on Treasure Island, at Hunters Point, in the Presidio,
and in the Trans Bay project, on and on and on - and that's just
in the City!
Lennar also has control of Mare Island and a scad of other base
projects around the country under Pelosi's thumb.
Laurence Pelosi may have left Lennar, but he's still on the same
Ability to be a bag man, maybe. But, don't get me wrong. I don't
think Nancy Pelosi is in charge of anything, no mare than Gavin
Newsom makes any important decisions in San Francisco, no more
than Sophie Maxwell believes the Redevelopment Agency is good
for African Americans.
These elected officials aren't their own people.
Jose Cisneros invests the City's money as Warren Hellman tells
him to invest it. When Hellamn goes after check-cashing establishments,
Jose doesn't understand that Hellman's Wells Fargo bank owns a
ton of them and will profit mightily by tossing out the independents.
He doesn't understand that Hellman wants to rule the entire financial
world before he dies and that driving Lutheran Social Services
out of handling the welfare checks of people like me is included
on the chopping block.
... ... ... let me get out of this mode ... ... ... another topic
Dennis Herrera advised by brain-damaged chimps?
(Races to right in left wing town)
City Attorney Dennis Herrera has sparkling blue eyes. That's
about it. Since he took the reins in that office from giant python,
Louise Renne, he's managed, astoundingly enough, to lower the
bar there. Few would have thought that possible, but let's look
at a few of the things that Dennis 'the menace' has accomplished:
1. He's refused to enforce the Raker Act (to give San Franciscans
Public Power). For some reason, Brugmann of the Bay Guardian has
let him slide on this. Maybe it's Denny's blue eyes?
2. He's produced contracts extending the control (at the behest
of the Mayor's office) of Comcast over local cable and now, Google
on WiFi opertions.
3. He told 140,000 Bay View residents their petition to delay
their eviction from their homes by the Redevelopment Authority
was no good even after the Department of Elections certified the
petition! Herrara killed the democratic opposition of the very
community the Bayview Redevelopment Plan impacts.
4. He had a photo-op to brag about arresting some old Latino
dude with a truck who was dumping carpet scraps in the Bay View.
I mean, he spent God knows how many hours photographing this guy
dumping carpet and investigating him before he jumped on this
humble environmental disaster. I mean, the guy was wrong; give
him a ticket and get on with life. He wasn't worth a CNN special.
5. He had a press conference to announce he'd caught a major
graffiti artist. Let's not even get into asking what the hell
Dennis is doing following taggers around in the middle of the
Connect the dots
Even given the idiocy of every single decision, there is clearly
a pattern here and a conclusion to be drawn. Blue Eyes is positioning
himself to run for another office. More likely, someone elses
(I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here that you aren't
this dumb, Dennis)... more likely, Downtown interests are implementing
some scheme to establish Dennis as a friend of the environment,
against scofflaws ... but why now?
Feinstein to quit?
It's the only thing that makes sense and if it's not too late
for her to withdraw, it's damned near. It would explain why the
trio of Aaron Peskin, Kamala Harris and Dennis Herrera (Wednesday
meetings, I'm told, have been going on with the three for some
time to determine which one gets the Demo nod to run for mayor
when Newsom leaves) ... hey, I know it's crazy but, like Colombo,
I get these hunches.
It would explain why Peskin goes easy on cops and Home Depot
and Comcast and Google and Downtown business on their taxes. And,
why Harris won't prosecute drunks who throw their wives out the
window to their deaths - cause it wouldn't be a slam-dunk. And
why Herrera has been even worse than former City Attorney Renne.
Hey, unlike your cowardly ass, I get out there with opinions
and positions. I want drinks all around - on you - if my hunch
is right and Feinstein withdraws in favor of Newsom for U.S. Senator.
That's enuff. This column gets published on Luke's Fog City Journal
first and migrates to the Bulldog archives next week. Luke has
column nods from the likes of Matt Gonzalez, Sup. Sean Elsbernd,
Sup. Jake McGoldrick, Sup. Fiona Ma, and even the Mayor is mulling
over doing a piece.
Fog City is the best thing on the local political net, and getting
better daily.
h. brown is a 62 year-old keeper of,
an eclectic site featuring a half dozen City Hall denizens. h
is a former sailor, firefighter, teacher, nightclub owner, and
a hard-living satirical muckraker. Email
h at
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