With h brown

Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
Watching Krissy run for Kongress XXVI
October 11, 2006
"If I'd have known I was going to live this long, I wouldn't
have made so many enemies."
(Bulldog ponders with Jens)
Yesterday morning's Examiner ran letters
from Mike DeNunzio and Sue Vaughan calling on Nancy Pelosi to
debate the Republican, Green, and Libertarian candidates for the
8th Congressional District seat.
I called Krissy Keefer with the news.
But, Pelosi won't debate.
And, the League of Women voters will once again help Nancy hide
from her opponents. Not so oddly, the head of the league who decided
that San Francisco voters didn't want to see a debate featuring
all candidates for our local seat ... this woman (Jody
Sanford), is the Public Relations officer for the Presidio
Trust. Uh huh, same trust that Pelosi founded. You know, the one
making the Presidio into an office park? Same Presidio that the
fundamentalist Examiner praises Pelosi for "privatizing".
Gravity suspended
As a Republican, DeNunzio
works with Green, Keefer
and Libertarian, Phil
Berg to drag Pelosi into an open debate. You can help now
if you're expecting an absentee ballot. If so, take that sucker
and fill it out instantly and vote for someone other than Pelosi
for U.S. Congress. I'm even going to refrain from asking you to
vote for Keefer (although she's the most representative candidate,
and I should, if only for the good of you and your children and
grandchildren and for America). Take your time filling the sucker
out. Department of Elections chief, John Arntz, is a Willie Brown
appointee who told the last Green to run against Pelosi (Terry
Baum - she got hell of a stage play out of the effort) ... Arntz
told Baum that people who wrote her name in weren't really trying
to vote for Terry. This year, Arntz sent letters to Keefer and
Berg telling them that they owed under a dollar each in filing
fees and had til the end of the same day the letter arrived to
pay the money by personal check or be tossed off the ballot. This
gang doesn't want any opposition at all for this office. Here's
why the Pelosi people have seized control of every agency from
the League of Women Voters to the local Department of Elections.
Pelosi's people are ruthless because, ...
This 8th District seat is the most important elected
position in San Francisco. The SF rep deals with a 3 trillion
dollar budget. I mean, shit, can you even wrap your mind around
that? Pelosi uses her influence to toss literally billions in
contracts to Lennar LLC which hired her nephew Laurence as a Senior
V.P. She, in turn, endorses their efforts to grab control of the
development of reclaimed bases all over the country (including
4 in the Bay area alone). Her last 'ear mark' of the budget process
was to toss 4.8 million bucks into improving the 'infrastructure'
of the radioactive dump referred to as 'Hunters Point Ship Yard'.
Yeah, any money she brings in free from Uncle Sam is money that
Lennar won't have to spend.
All of the Pelosi earmarks for the arts have gone to billionaires
or their minions. She brought in 3.5 million last year and gave
2 million of it to a Shorenstein project and the rest to Dede
Pelosi refuses to endorse Gay Marriage
I don't believe there is a more San Francisco issue than Gay
Marriage. Yet Nancy Pelosi refuses to make a statement supporting
the right of gay Americans to wed. Now, that's a load of crap.
Oh, she preaches on and on about opposing legislation that will
take away gay rights. She just doesn't want to extend them to
a level of equality. This issue alone would cost Pelosi 10's of
thousands of votes were the local citizenry to become aware of
it. But, with the Chronicle and Examiner backing Pelosi and the
League of Women Voters shielding her from an honest debate, most
supporters of Gay Marriage don't even realize that Pelosi is against
With friends like this ... who needs enemies?
Krissy Keefer has traveled the world performing theatrical works
promoting peace, gay rights, an attack upon the sources of global
warming, a restoration of funding for the arts ... the list goes
Over the past 30 years Keefer has helped to create national,
state, and local organizations dedicated to the preservation and
extension of rights to the oppressed, be they people of color
or the victims of U.S. schemes of regional hegemony from Palestine
to Cuba to Venezuela. She and her colleagues have staged over
2,000 productions. She's personally written a couple of hundred
of them and choreographed a good percentage of those. The Bay
Guardian says she's a "protest vote" at best? Who the
hell knows more about making peace than a peace activist for God's
sake? Who can dialogue best with Palestinians than someone who
actually has sympathy for them?
Krissy's cuties cruise Gonzo and Thomas
And, I watched Chris Daly kick Rob Black's ass at the League
of Women Voters debate at the main branch of the public library
tonight. It was a good day. Krissy made stops at the Gonzalez
& Leigh law firm to serenade the Green barrister and call
for him to become more active in her campaign. "We miss you,
Matt!" sang the three nubile dancers Keefer dispatched to
woo the non-committal Green giant ... who then zoomed up Market
to Golden Gate Ave to tear Fog City publisher, Luke Thomas, from
his keyboard.
Face it, women can't get enough of Luke's lens.

Photo by Luke Thomas
Jordanna Thigpen looked voluptuous
We're at the Daly debate now. I work these crowds from a distance
as much as possible and from above if it's possible. Jordanna
had settled into a spot in the back of the theater next to the
SFGTV camera with a direct shot at the stage. She was the best
looking thing in the house and everyone knew it. Hey, I know that's
sexist but if you'd seen the debate, you'd realize that we were
all looking for an alternative focus within the first minute.
Hey, don't take my word for it. Eileen Left was there and had
this to say:

Jordanna Thigpen
Photo by Luke Thomas
Eileen: "They looked like 5 undertakers, a Ruskie hit man
and a lost basketball coach."

Photos by Adam Aufdencamp
Dawg: "C'mon, Eileen, you're saying Daly looked like a basketball
Eileen: "Naw, he was one of the undertakers. (shrugs and
fires up a joint while sipping a deeply chilled Chardonnay). Read
what Meko said about this group when he covered their last debate.
It just isn't like the 2000 group that spawned Chris. Lord, you
had two brilliant trannies (one a Stanford professor), an ex-Board
president, Marc Salomon, Hank Wilson, Joe Blue ... this group
is nothing for Daly to debate."
Dawg: "That said, who'd you like best, other than Daly?"
Eileen: "Easy, dear. (cuts off KFOG and fires up Supertramp's,
'Breakfast in America') ... Matt Drake was pushing tidal power
and looks for all the world like he could be John Dean's little
brother. That'll get me to write him in number 2 in my ranked
choice ballot."
Dawg: "Yeah, it is ranked choice. Somehow I'd forgotten
that. OK, you got Daly and Drake, who's your third choice?"
Eileen: "George Diaz. He didn't know shit about local government,
but he was so sincere with his ignorance."
Dawg: "You can't ask for much more than that. I mean, to
be sincerely ignorant is something I've I've always dreamed of
Eileen: "It's outta your reach, Dawg."
Dawg: "OK, I watched the debate too and I'll bet I noticed
something you didn't notice."
Eileen: (takes a long draw from the joint as she smiles and looks
out the window over UN Plaza) "Please enlighten me."
Dawg: (takes the proffered joint and sips a bit of bourbon -
stands behind her to look out over the 82 open windows of the
Renoir Hotel across the way) "You forgot to mention that
I was one of those 18 people who ran against Daly in 2000. I made
every debate. I met
lots of people who are still among my best friends. We debated
on Treasure Island and
in the library where tonight's affair took place."
Eileen: "You're chasing rabbits, grandpa ... get to the
Dawg: (shrugs and nods) "He's still the youngest one on
the stage and we're in a new friggin' century! I was just amazed
at how much better he's turned out than I thought. Hell,
I was convinced he was a buffoon run by Bill Barnes and it turned
out to be the other way around."
Eileen: (gazes at him in mild surprise and nods) "Uh huh,
I do believe you've had a rare moment of insight there. He's not
a plodder. Marrying Sarah was the smartest move of his life and
young Jack proves that God loves him. This win will give him 4
years to consider his next move. What should that be?"
Dawg: (without a hesitation) "He has to run for mayor next
year as part of a Progressive IRV slate. Four years from now when
Keefer becomes the first female Vice President, he should run
for her seat in Kongress as a Green."
Eileen: (literally slaps her thigh, hugs him and gives him a
firm kiss on the forehead, she pours herself another glass of
wine and, shaking her head, muses) "You really are a total
slave to pussy. It's your best trait. What does Krissy say about
her chances?"
Dawg: (rocks head to and fro as he speaks and sips and smokes
and speaks) "She says that she could win if she had a hundred
grand and 25 people for the last month. (scrunches face in consideration)
She sees the whole thing as just another show, but on a much bigger
stage. Here, the entire City is her stage and she's been decorating
it and preparing it for the final show which will run for the
last ... ten days or so of the campaign."
Eileen: (seriously) "She'd make a great campaign manager."
Dawg: (nods firmly) "You hit it right on the head. She's
got the instincts. Carries no grudges. Or, she could replace Carrie
Eileen: (turns to see if he's serious and exhales pot smoke)
"Not in this lifetime, buster. The art world is locked down
for the rich and they're not gonna go handing the keys to the
vault to a barefoot dancer. You're gonna have to take it from
them and that means Krissy as either a candidate or a campaign
manager from here on out."
"All the slimeballs were there too."
(Nick Gravenitas describes Monterrey)
He might just as well have been talking about the League debate
for D-6 supe. Their president (LWV) has worked for Pelosi for
years as a PR front for the Presidio Trust and has continuously
shielded Nancy from the unpleasantness of engaging in public debate
with her opponents. It is a total degradation of the League twisting
it into the puppet of the rich. Turned upon it's head like the
A. Philip Randolph Institute which now terrorizes black voters
instead of empowering them.
That would be Jody Sanford (head of league) and boy can she
run. I desperately wanted a picture of her with me to run with
this column. I scouted the area and found Marc Salomon (never
one to shy away from controversy) doing shots for Chris Daly.
I told him my plan and he just grinned and nodded. I'd stroll
over to where Sanford was standing and wave to him to fire away
and, voila ... we'd have our shot.
I gotta see what this shot looks like if it indeed is actually
there. I never saw anyone, man, woman or child ... dressed in
a business suit, jump sideways faster than Jody Sanford jumped
when she realized that she was framed in Marc Salomon's lens,
standing next to h. brown. Now Marc and hubbie, George, are just
back from an African safari where they filmed real wildlife not
too wild about being in a SF album but none of them could have
leaped out of frame faster than Jody did.
We'll see if the shot turned out. Just remember the point of
the exercise. It is to give you a picture of the woman who says
that she did not schedule a debate between candidates for the
U.S. 8th California Congressional district because she felt the
people of San Francisco wouldn't be interested in seeing Nacy
Pelosi debate Republican, Mike DeNunzio, Green, Krissy Keefer
and Libertarian, Phil Berg. In short, and I want to be as clear
as possible about this. This woman has destroyed the credibility
of the SF League of Women Voters by making it an adjunct to the
likes of Nancy Pelosi who pays her friggin' salary. Would you
believe it? She works for the Presidio Trust that Pelosi created
to privatize the Presidio into an office park.
Am I repeating myself?
Over again?
And, yet again?
enuff for now.
h. brown is a 62 year-old keeper of,
an eclectic site featuring a half dozen City Hall denizens. h
is a former sailor, firefighter, teacher, nightclub owner, and
a hard-living satirical muckraker. Email
h at
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