With h brown

Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
Court Jester x-rays Jew's win
November 13, 2006
"Ed Jew came from out of nowhere!"
(uninformed source on 'the
Hey, usually 'Westside Progressive' knows what the hell he or
she is talking about and that made this huge error a surprise.
... Not that I could have done any better. I've met Ed lots around
town and didn't really take him very seriously. Oh, I was surprised
when he showed up with Doug Comstock (more conservative than me,
but a straight shooter) at both Josh Wolf benefits. Someone had
told me that Jew's last campaign for supe was run by Jim Stearns,
so he had to have some kind of clout. Naturally, I went to Eileen
Left to find out the real skinny.

Supervisor elect Ed Jew, Richard Knee and Doug Comstock attend
a benefit
fundraiser for jailed journalist Josh Wolf on September 22,
Eileen: "Jesus Christ!! 'Out of nowhere!?!' That
'Westside' guy, that's Steven Hill, right?"
Jester: (grimaces) "You're not supposed to 'out'
them. I heard it was Hill but I don't know."
Eileen: (shaking head in disgust as she chooses amongst
a card of diamond earrings that must be worth at least 2 million
- we're in her Russian Hill penthouse where she's dressing for
a night at the ballet with an ex-mayor while I'm preparing to
head down to the Tenderloin to watch The Dixie Hummingbirds at
Great American)
"I know most of those idiots. (glances over at him) But,
you wanted to know about Ed Jew.
Did you know that his dad and uncle are cab drivers? His uncle
is named Ed too and lots of people think he's the new supervisor."
Jester: "Just tell me how he managed to beat Dudum,
Mak and Chan."
Eileen: (trying on simple teardrop earrings of at least
a carat each)
"Newsom's people tried to clear the field for Doug Chan last
winter. The told Jew that they'd support him for school board
but that was bogus. Ed went to his brain trust and they talked
him out of if. So, they put Bayard Fong in that slot (he's a contracts
administrator for the Human Rights Commission) and he got creamed"
Jester: "Who's Jew's brain trust?"
Eileen: "Well, Doug Comstock for one. Then there's
Barbara Meskunas and Bruce Cutherbertson. They knew that the Left
dominates school board elections and that it was highly unlikely
that Bruce Brugman and Robert Haaland and the D triple-C or the
United Educators were going to line up behind the owner of the
Canton Flower Shop on Waverly Place. Those people all hated his
neighborhood schools agenda. But Ed's people saw right through
it and talked him into running for supe again and playing to his
more conservative roots to present an alternative to Mak and Chan."

Ed Jew receives recognition from Mayor Gavin Newsom.
Jester: "You mean, the fact that he was Vice Chair
of the Republican Party?"
Eileen: "That's no real drawback in the Sunset. Tony
Hall's a Republican without the paperwork. Lots would say that
Quentin Kopp is too. Elsbernd, Ma ... c'mon? Stearns had run Jew's
2002 supe campaign where he finished 3rd and CSFN people knew
he'd run Mak to the left and he did. He got Brugman and the D
triple-C and Haaland and Barnes and the Tenants Union."
Jester: "I didn't even know Stearns ran Jew's campaign."
Eileen: "Amongst about a million other things around
Jester: "So, how'd Ed beat all of them including
Newsom's candidate Doug Chan?"
Eileen: "Well, to begin with, Chan doesn't even speak
Chinese. Jew is loved by the Chinese press and he nurtures the
relationship. Everything he's done (You know he was the guy who
put the PUC rate freeze on the ballot, right?) ... all he's done
has been covered in depth by Sing Tao and Ming Pao and the World
Journal. Luke's photographer (Adam Aufdencamp) got a shot of the
Ming Pao photographer photographing Jew and Daly congratulating
each other in front of the Department of Elections. (pauses momentarily)
You should get a copy of that photo and run it with Adam's photo.
Kind of an M.C. Esher thing."

District 4 Supervisor-elect Ed Jew is congratulated
by Supervisor re-elect Chris Daly outside the Department of Elections.
Photo by Adam Aufdencamp
Jester: "So, he's big with the Chinese press."
Eileen: "Huge. He's advertised on KTSF Channel 26
for 10 years; first on Hong Kong Newshour and later on Cantonese
news program. They do the only live 1-hour news broadcast in North
Jester: (taking notes) "Very impressive."
Eileen: "The Asian Law Caucus poll shows he was the
top vote getter in the Chinese community and Meskunas wrote copy
for him criticizing City Hall on homelessness and quality of life
They hit the Board for crippling small businesses with new regulations
like the sick pay measure. They brought back his neighborhood
schools proposal and pushed for no more fee increases. Basic conservative
politics. And, he used IRV."
Jester: "The others didn't?"
Eileen: (shakes head) "That's standard Jim Stearns.
You'll notice the Guardian and Tenants Union didn't give ranked
choices either. It was stupid and it killed them in the 4 rounds
of IRV counting. (she takes a black velvet shawl from the bed,
wraps it around her shoulders and turns slowly both ways to view
herself in one of the several full length mirrors mounted around
the room) The only Left Wing votes in 4 are in a few beach precincts.
Ed's people pretty much ignored them. They did a few spots with
weathered elderly white people and concentrated on his conservative
message with them. He hammered the absentee vote and won that.
(looks at him and nods) Put simply, Jew's people knew District
4 better than Stearns folks did and that's why Ed Jew's gonna
be supervisor in January. (motions him toward the door) Let me
give you one last thought."
Jester: "I'm all ears."
Eileen: "Remember all the legislation Tony Hall and
Gonzalez passed? A ton of it. (they enter the elevator in the
foyer of her suite) There's no such alliance on the Board since
Hall and and Gonzalez left. Jew should form one on specific legislation
with Daly. It wouldn't stop him from pushing his own issues. The
Gonzo alliance certainly didn't stop Tony Hall from trying to
get anti-war demonstrators to pay for the cops at demonstrations
or pushing to kill rent control.
These new 'moderates' are too adversarial. (the elevator has
rocketed to the lobby where
the doorman manages to both admire Eileen and cast a disapproving
look at Jester at the
same time). Jew's a nice guy and he could work with Daly and Mirkarimi
and the other
lefties on police reform and other issues. (there's a limo waiting
for Eileen and the
driver opens the door and lightly touches the tip of his cap at
Jester. Eileen smooothly enters the limo, gives a light peck on
the cheek to the ex-mayor who is waiting
and leans past Eileen for a comment).
Ex mayor: "Hey h., f**k you very much."
Jester: (grins) "F**k you very much too, Mr. Mayor."
(the door closes and they drive away)
h. brown is a 62 year-old keeper of,
an eclectic site featuring a half dozen City Hall denizens. h
is a former sailor, firefighter, teacher, nightclub owner, and
a hard-living satirical muckraker. Email
h at
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