With h brown

Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
Court Jester on Hunter's Point Shipyard
and California medical marijuana id card price hike
January 18, 2007
"It burned steadily in the rain for almost
2 weeks before the Navy admitted the earth was on fire. They had
a hell of a time getting the fire out. Who knows what was burning
like that? Then, they came in during another rainstorm and truck
after truck poured concrete into the crevices left by the fire."
(Journal notes on Hunters Point Shipyard)
The San Francisco 49'ers had better look into the history of
the parcel of land in the Hunters Point Shipyard that Gavin Newsom
is offering them as a site for their new stadium. The fire and
concrete pour go back around 10 years. I know because my students
told me all about it.
I was teaching 'Severely Emotionally Disturbed' adolescents at
Portrero Hill Middle School when the kids started talking about
the fire at the shipyard. They lived down near the old naval base
and came in complaining about how nasty the smoke was. We'd go
out into the school yard around 2 miles from the site and watch
the black smoke curl up into the sky day after day.
Do the 49'ers even realize the history of that place? Do they
realize that the completion of the first two atom bombs took place
at Hunters Point? Do they realize that for years the place served
as a decontamination point for warships that had participated
and in some cases, been targets for nuclear weapons testing? Oh
yeah, what they did was pulled the ships into Hunters Point and
sandblasted them and repainted them. Now, you don't think that
all of that lead paint that went into the Bay down there is still
radioactive do you?
Don't consider any deal that puts your fans over a nuclear waste
dump, Niner brass. The mayor's developers will be long gone by
the time the first lawsuits start coming in for the housing and
businesses constructed there. The names of each of these enterprises
ends in the same way. 'LLC', that's what it says. I believe that
stands for 'Limited Liability Company'. Their liability ends when
they've cashed your last check and deposited the receipts in the
Cayman Islands. Yours will just be beginning. It's only prudent
that you spend a few bucks doing some test drilling around the
site the City is pushing at you. Bring a Geiger counter.
Medicinal Pot takes big hit
The total cost of purchasing a medical cannabis patient card
has gone from $150 to $300 dollars a year. Lay that on Gavin Newsom
who cancelled the CCSF pot card program and passed it on to the
state and to Ross Mirkarimi who didn't complain when he did so.
This is a friggin' disaster. Now, I told everyone involved that
this would happen from the start and none of the dipshits listened
to me.
I told Ross Mirkarimi that the best procedure for licensing pot
outlets was to give them a certificate (limited edition) allowing
them to move their businesses under the roof of any pharmacy or
liquor store. I ranted about how insane it was to set up an entirely
new industry that had to go through Planning department and the
Board of Appeals and whatever.
I told him that people would take payoffs at every juncture and
that only the rich would be able to afford a license to distribute
pot. Well, I was right.
Thus far, there are 2 pot clubs certified to do business in San
Francisco and all of the remaining clubs are required to have
approved certificates within the next 6 months. That means that
38 clubs will either go out of business or pump a whole lot of
money into bribing planners or politicians or members of the Board
of Appeals in order to stay in business. Only the lawyers are
Mirkarimi and Newsom are idiots on so many levels in this matter
that it is hard to calculate which move was the dumbest.
We could start with the pot cards. When the City handled the
matter, you got together with 3 friends and divided the cost of
a doctor's visit and 3 caretaker cards. AT $150 for a doctor's
visit and $25 each for 4 cards, for a total of $250, you could
have a legal license to purchase whatever amount of 'medicine'
(and, it is) you needed for about 5 bucks a month. I think that's
less than Costco. If the 'patient' member of your little cabal
was fortunate enough to get a 2 year prescription, your costs
were halved.
Now, the cost for the 4 people is $300 each per year. And, almost
no one bought the cards last year cause they didn't want to give
information on themselves and their doctors to the Republicans
who run the state at this moment if you didn't know. A Sacramento
paper reported that less than 6,000 of the estimated 300,000 legitimate
pot patients statewide applied for cards. That's 2% of patients.
Now, let's talk about caregivers. While the City allowed for 3
caregivers for each patient, the state (except in extraordinary
circumstances) allows for only 1. That cuts your network by half.
Let's bottom-line this.
There are 36 million people in California. A conservative estimate
is that 3 million of them partake of pot for reasons ranging from
alleviating the pain from terminal cancer, to lowering the stress
level your prick boss laid on you that day.
So, less than 10,000 of 3 million smoke pot legally in California?
Yep, it's about that and that's just the way the Bush White House
wants to keep it.
San Francisco's pot legislation is a massive failure. Supervisor
Mirkarimi and the mayor should put their heads together and figure
out a way to bring back CCSF medical pot cards.
They should also re-construct the enabling legislation to cut
out the Planning department and the Board of Appeals. Licenses
should piggyback on liquor and pharmacy licenses.
Priced at retail, I smoke around $2,000 worth of pot a year.
Of course I couldn't afford that, so I depend upon the charity
of friends. But, keep that number in mind. I smoke around an eighth
of an ounce a week. An eighth at retail (when you're lucky) costs
$40. Which means that I smoke somewhere around a half pound a
If you know what you're doing, you can get more pot than I smoke
every year out of just a single plant. Before the SFPD brought
in the DEA to crush every club that sold actual seedling plants,
you could get one for around ten bucks. I don't know where the
hell you'd buy a plant around here now. But, say you could. Say,
you buy 3 and put them in the earth somewhere. One will make it
and your yearly cost for the weed that brightens and soothes goes
from a couple of grand down to fifty to a hundred bucks. Down
from forty bucks a week to two bucks a week.
Solution? Mark Leno sponsored a feel-good resolution when he
was running for Assembly. It asked the people of SF if they thought
that the City should consider growing it's own pot. The voters
said, 'Yes!'. Overwhelmingly. It's time for the City to take that
step and offer seedlings for sale to the public. Last week the
feds put some poor grandmother in prison for raising medicinal
pot. Next year, let's see the mayor and Mirkarimi standing in
front of the growing grounds. If you're going to take credit for
bringing the monster to life, you gotta take responsibility for
him when he gets out of control.
You call this a homecoming?
I had myself one hell of a great time cat-sitting Alexandra Jones'
museum/flat for the past month. Coming back home to my Tndc SRO
was something else again. "Did you get the money?" That
was my sister in St. Louis who usually sends me a hundred bucks
every Christmas. Last year she sent cash and it disappeared. I
told her to never send cash but she did again this year. It disappeared
somewhere in between the hotel's front desk and me. This time
she did send it by registered mail and the clerk who signed for
it admitted getting the mail but had no idea what happened to
it. The management was equally unhelpful. Would that it was the
only downer.
My room had been flooded while I was gone. The ceiling light
fixture was awash in about a half gallon of water. Two computer
monitors, a small TV and a printer had caught the brunt of the
flood. The family bible was soaked but I kept it anyway while
I threw the rest out. I'd lost books, cd's and stacks of notes.
An assistant manager promised to come up and survey the damage.
He didn't show. A maintenance man installed a couple of new lights
in the ceiling fixture but it all stopped working an hour after
he left.
Is someone or something trying to send me a message to get the
hell out of here? How can I do that? Tndc, which runs the building
came up with a new lease last month that a lawyer friend told
me not to sign. It indemnified them from plague and pestilence
just for starters. When I wouldn't sign, they told me that they
were going to re-do the whole building, starting with my tier
and I'd be getting a notice to move
somewhere else after
the first of the year. Promised to get me a new place.
More lies. When I went to the office to ask about the flood and
the theft of my mail and the new lease, the new assistant (they
change staff very, very rapidly in this place - 44 McAllister)
the new staff said they had not idea what I was talking
about. They'd not heard of an impending remodel or anything of
the like. I guess it was just pressure tactics to force me to
sign their new lease.
Those who are friends, don't worry. The place is warm and I'm
scrubbing it. I have a working computer made from parts of other
computers and as soon as Luke Thomas installs a program, I can
watch the Board as usual. I would like to get out of here and
try on another neighborhood but that will have to wait until Pelosi
gets my Social Security flowing.
Something from nothing.
h. brown is a 62 year-old keeper of,
an eclectic site featuring a half dozen City Hall denizens. h
is a former sailor, firefighter, teacher, nightclub owner, and
a hard-living satirical muckraker. Email
h at
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