With h brown

Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
Court Jester reviews Queen Mary II sighting
February 5, 2007, 1:52 p.m.
"Lead with the photo of Angela and Chiara Mia with the
liner steaming in. Caption it:
'Two Queens and a Princess'"
(Eileen Left studies Luke's photos)

Two Queens and a Princess: Former Board President Angela "Queen
Bee" Alioto
with grandaughter Chiaria "Princess" Mia while the H.M.S
Queen Mary II passes by in the distance making her first voyage
to the Port of San Francisco.
I love working with Luke
Thomas. Any writer would. If it's a crime scene or a celebration,
his photos always add mystery and dimension to anything I write.
I hope you agree when you view today's array and be sure to click
the link on Hmoob's youtube
video clip.
To the point, everybody and their brother covered
this event with their best staff. We agreed that redundancy was
our most dangerous reef in those seas. Yeah, we had to have the
de rigueur shot of the giant liner as it passed under the Golden
Gate Bridge, but how could we make our piece more than that?

The small sailboats that sprinted joyfully around the world's
passenger liner resembled little ugly ducklings, in ecstasy
over meeting their fully grown mother, the most elegant and noble,
Black Swan. They joined her at the Marin Headlands and playfully
ran around her and each other in a dance on into the Bay while
a million of us watched in pleasure and the Bears took a 7-0 lead
over the Colts on someone's portable radio.
+ + +
We decided to cover it from the vantage point of a dozen or so
friends, blessed with a celebrity guest they've all wanted to
meet, combined with the Super Bowl (Tevo'd - hey, we love football
but for SF, the QM2 story was bigger)
and Hmoob did his
best international chef schtick as a cap - and, provided the youtube
clip). It was a hell of a great time and we hope you can be there
with us.

Our 'celebrity guest' was our friend, Angela Alioto and she
brought two more generations of her clan along. What a treat.

Angela Alioto
Son, Joe Alioto-Veronese (he's a police commissioner - seems
to root for Verona, of Italian soccer league) and granddaughter,
Chiara Mia, who has 14 birds (ask Angela, they're adoptable -
cause they do keep sitting on eggs) at grandma's house, looking
out through the windows that feature a moving picture of San Francisco
I shaved, showered, scrubbed with the long-handled brush head-to-toe
as and put on clean clothes (obviously, a special event). I tied
a bad knot in the smiley faces silk necktie my old buddy Jens
gave me last week, gave away half of my last dollar cigar as I
pounded down the stairs to Mayor Joe's girl in front of my Care
not Cash, SRO at 44 McAllister. It looked to be a clear day for
the Bay. My neighbors gathered at the plate glass windows (I'm
famous in the Tenderloin for my guests - although, of course,
even the Mayor can't visit on the 1st and 15th of the month cause
they're sure he'd just be bringing drugs)
neighbors gathered
at the window as Angela's spanking new sleak, black Mercedes cruised
to the curb. "Her daddy represented me!" called out
an old guy leaning on a walker.
They loved it and I'm not adverse to getting picked up by a
beautiful and powerful woman in a Mercedes. But, maybe that's
just me. Angela has one of those revolving lease things where
they deliver a new killer German sedan to her every 2 years or
so and her friends down here (who mostly walk and ride bicycles)
get to cruise all over the place with her. I want my lawyer in
a Mercedes. Gonzalez drives one, though his is held together with
bailing wire. I think Hmoob has one that runs on left over gravy
or something.
I'm chasing rabbits here. Back to yesterday
and the Queen Mary II and our party.
Two Queens and a Princess
The Brits have been sending ships into San Francisco Bay almost
as long as the Sicilians have been lawyering down in North Beach.
Well over a hundred years on both counts. Old Jester friend, Doug
McAbee took both into account when planning (look out Stanlee
Gatti) his tasteful Super Sunday/Here come da Queen soiree' yesterday.
Doug arranged for champagne and other fine wines and snacks to
fortify guests to his Baker Beach townhouse. We headed that way
and Angela's German motorcar slid effortlessly into the curb in
front of Robert Manes' crib in the lower Haight on Page at around
2pm. I've known Robert for 20 years or so and his fiancee', Ania
Wierzbowska (a beauty and old flame) for 10 or so. I was bursting
with pride. Angela had actually been to their apartment a couple
of years ago when I was sitting with Ania's cat, Kitcha who has
since gone to join my cat Ben in Kitty Heaven. When they got back
from Poland, Ania told me a story. She said that someone came
up to her on a bus and said: "I was at a party at your house
when you were gone and got to meet Angela Alioto!". Until
Angela picked them up at the curb some 2 years later, she kind
of didn't believe it.
Really, I'm not kidding. You've seen those commercials where
the sloppy guy is sitting in the front of the tube with his friends
watching football and telling them that Carmen Electra will be
there in a few minutes to go bowling and she shows up!?!
It's a moment like that and it makes you so proud. The elite
of the City's political set do actually wine and dine with the
likes of us. We loaded up and headed to pick up Chiara Mia and
continue our line of intersection with the black swan that is
the ocean liner, Queen Mary the Second.
Let's photograph it instead
Host McAbee chose the same vantage point any general would have
chosen to implace a large caliber gun to sink hostile ships coming
into the Bay. His guests gathered and used cameras instead of
cannons (there was only one person there visibly armed and that
was a friendly Park Service ranger) but while we awaited the liner,
Thomas and Fog City intern, Serbian-born, Nevena
Predolac, took advantage of the aged artillery/machine gun
pill boxes, weathered to rust and decay to juxtapose a series
of shots contrasting violence and sexuality objectively correlating
with the approaching black and gorgeous British swan.

Nevena Predolac
The bunker shots are classic. The freed Eastern European beauty,
before the abandoned Western war fortifications ('Can't we all
just get along?).
We gathered with thousands and thousands of other Bay area residents
(a million people have to have been strung from Sea Cliff, to
Ocean Beach, to Baker Beach, to the Presidio, the Marin Headlands,
Fort Point, the Marina, all the way to Pier 27 where the hidebound
Chronicle and Examiner waited to snap the same pictures with the
same subtitles)
Court Jester picks pics and pic captions

Three generations of Aliotos. Clan matriarch, Angela. Son,
Joe and granddaughter, Chiara Mia.

San Francisco Court Jester with Alioto's.

Robert Manes and Beth Rogozinski return from the bunker overview
to join Jens Nielsen and honey, Leona Gonsalves.

Bulldog columnist, Alexandra Jones draws close for photos
with Aliotos and Dawg chieftan, h. brown.

Mother and son, Alioto-Veronese looking more like brother and
sister (way to go, Angela).
The food
Hmoob's main course was a succulent salmon soaked in a tangy
and somehow sweet wormwood oil that snatched just a scintilla
of flavor from the smell of the the cool salt-air breeze wafting
through the Presidio's ancient Eucalyptus grove.
It took up to 2 hours for the crowd to clear the bluffs along
the Presidio. We watched from Doug's balcony as they eased their
way out of the preserve. Spoiled and but never quite sated, we
moved from scrumptious veggie pizza to course after course of
Hmoob's delectables as the sun set and the Colts on an afterthought,
overtook and defeated the Bears while we listened to the lonely
fog horns wedging their way through the bluffs rife with the ghosts
of Indians and sailors and missionaries and now, us.
Truth and creativity are the special province of alternative
media in San Francisco at the present time. You want an objective
view of the local news, read Fog City Journal. You want advertiser
slant and lies, go to the Chronicle or the Examiner or Benefit
magazine. We're independent in the alternative media, so we don't
always work together lock-step as do the establishment media.
This column is the result of several completely independent artists
combining in an attempt to capture an event and share it with
you. Let us know how you think we did.
Hook to Hmoob video shots of McAbee party
Happy Monday, my love,
h. brown is a 62 year-old keeper of,
an eclectic site featuring a half dozen City Hall denizens. h
is a former sailor, firefighter, teacher, nightclub owner, and
a hard-living satirical muckraker. Email
h at
Editor's Note: Views expressed by columnists
published on are not necessarily the views or beliefs of
Fog City Journal. Fog City Journal supports free speech in all its varied forms
and provides a forum for a complete spectrum of viewpoints.