With h brown

Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
Court Jester calls for Alsup recall
Josh Wolf letter from prison

U.S. District Judge William Alsup.
February 7, 2007
"Recall Judge Alsup. You have plenty of signatures here
(motions over the 'Free Josh Wolf' rally). It only takes ten signatures."
(Eric Steinberg, Head of 'Media Security' at Hall)

City Hall Media Services and Security specialist Eric Steinberg
Good turnout for Josh. Steinberg, quoted above was there working
his cop phones to make certain everyone in the crowd was properly
photographed and catalogued. I asked him if anyone had challenged
him about being the Homeland Security Chief as I've always claimed
(he's never denied it - part of my schtick is tossing crap and
seeing if it sticks)
he just laughed and gave me his usual
quizzical look that says: "If I told you I'd have to kill
you.". I finished the unspoken thought for him:
"Cause if you told me, you'd have to kill me?"
`He laughed and agreed. It's a standing joke between us. There's
nothing that says you can't have a friendly relationship with
these guys. Hell, they ain't going away and neither am I. I asked
Eric if he knew what this rally was about and he seemed offended:
Steinberg: "I know all about Josh Wolf!"
Jester: "This has very little to do with Josh Wolf."

Josh Wolf
Steinberg: (curious) "Oh really?"
Jester: "Sure, just google
this judge on the case, William Alsup. He's a Supreme Court
wannabe and Josh is the 3rd leg of a triad of cases to get him
noticed by the Bush administration."
Steinberg: (pays attention, but divides time between listening
on his walkie-talkie - these ex-military types are so traditional
- and, always scanning the crowd)
Jester: "Yeah, Alsup tried a case in Guam where he
convicted a couple of local politicians. Called the government
of Guam "more like an organized crime syndicate" and
made the guys go to churches (had to have audience of at least
200) to repent to the people for being crooked.
That's the first leg of the triad. Establishes him as enemy of
corruption in our colonial governments. Then, he drew the Bonds
case and has kept Greg Anderson in prison long after all of the
other Balco figures except Bonds were freed. He made a speech
from the bench when he put Anderson back in prison:
'We'll see if more time in prison will convince him to decide
whether his first loyalty should be to his friend or to his country.'
Oh yeah, he said that. This keeps him in the news and on Washington's
radar in case another Supreme Court justice croaks or retires
before Bush is out of office.
Josh is the third leg of the triad. Bush hates reporters and,
thus, so does Alsup. Again, the only person still in prison in
this case is the figure under Alsup's jurisdiction. Read what
he said when Josh's lawyers asked for a holiday furlough for Josh
(never convicted of any crime)?
'The fact that he wants to visit home proves that keeping him
confined is working.'
This guy wants to be a Supreme Court justice and he'll walk
all over the constitution to get there. Hey, that's how the Attorney
General of the U.S. got his job."
Steinberg: "Get your petition and start a recall."
Notables at the rally
Julian Davis and roomie, Andy Blue organized the rally to mark
the unfortunate fact that Josh has now been in prison longer than
any journalist tossed in the clink for refusing to sell out the
first amendment. Bruce Brugmann or the Guardian was a principal
speaker and has been supportive of every single event regarding
Josh and kept his paper behind it.

San Francisco Bay Guardian founder Bruce

Julian Davis, Free Josh Wolf Coalition

Free Josh Wolf Coalition's Andy Blue read a statement
from Josh Wolf.
Luke Thomas' Fog City Journal had better coverage than any publication.
Luke did still photos. Adam Aufdencamp did video. Chris Gramly
watched from the fringe of the crowd. Ever distracting Fog City
intern, Nevena Predolac, took notes as did I. Kubla moved easily
through gathering. Alexandra Jones was there for the Dawg.

Fog City Journal intern, Nevena
Reps from Leno and Migden's office were present and spoke. Tom
Ammiano and Ross Mirkarimi spoke eloquently. A reporter passed
a backhanded compliment to Ross: "I didn't know he was that

Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi
Phil Berg, the Libertarian was there and wanted to speak. He's
blind and agrees that Amtrak should be the largest government
agency. We spoke for a moment:

Former Libertarian congressional candidate Philip Berg
Berg: "I want to see if I can speak."
Jester: (turning him toward stairs with podium at top)
"Just follow the smell of bullshit."
Sue Vaughan came over to hype her show on Access #29 at 7pm
this evening. Watch and phone-in a question. Susan King was there
on lunch break to watch.
Jake McGoldrick was headed for a 1pm meeting with the Mayor
to ask him to resign. I brought his attention to a piece in today's
Chron pushing the privatization of the City's golf courses and
reminded him that it was he who blocked this effort around 5 years
ago. Same shit the Swells always pull
pull staff and equipment
from a marina or stables or soccer field
then claim the
City can't do it when it was the 'friends' who

Supervisor Jake McGoldrick on his way
to meet Mayor Gavin Newsom
to ask
Newsom to resign.
I called out some nice insults to people who passed by the meeting.
I love to do that. They usually just laugh and everyone did except
Gavin) in this situation. Here are a few jibes I got in:
Jester: (to Newsom who was moving alongside the side of
the crowd following and followed by a couple of burly narcs in
J.C. Penny suits)
"Dead man walking!!!"
Jester: (to Daniel Holmsey, Chief of Neighborhood Services
and a good guy)
"Hey Daniel, I want to be the new Appointments Secretary.
I understand the job has special benefits."
Jester: (to Buck Delvanthal - I believe he's senior staff
of Herrera)
"Hey Buck, how about Alex Tourk for interim Mayor 'til
we work this stuff out and Jennifer Siebel for Appointments Secretary?"

Actor Jennifer Siebel
I hooked Wayne Justman who helped write Prop 215 (medical pot
initiative for you square people) and asked him how many of the
40 local clubs were licensed (they have a June deadline but are
hoping for extensions).
Justman: "4, so far, but it doesn't say anything
in Prop 215 about ID cards. It only requires that you have a doctor's
I kicked around the subject with Wayne for awhile. Access to
pot is very important for my column.
"Howdy, Mr. Sheriff!"
Ran into Michael Hennessey outside his office and we spoke for
a few minutes. He said that he loved his job and wanted to serve
as Sheriff for another 5 years, then retire (he's 59). I told
him that Adachi had announced.

Sheriff Michael Hennessey
I referred him to a letter our very electible Public Defender
had sent to one of the dailies a couple of days back complaining
that they'd said that defenders weren't electible.
Hennessey: (laughing) "Yeah, he mentioned Elmer Robinson!"
Yeah, I think Adachi is doing some serious stretching exercises
to get in this race for Mayor:

Public Defender Jeff Adachi
"I would take exception with the notion that San Franciscans
would not elect a criminal defense attorney as mayor.
I'd like to think that San Franciscans would see past the sterotypes
and judge a candidate by his or her record."
That's close to tossing his hat in the ring and he should. He's
a genuinely squeaky-clean family man and the City will definitely
elect one unless they go for a woman which would be better.
The Sheriff asked why I thought Leno wasn't talking about running.
I've speculated before that it's because he wouldn't be Downtown's
candidate cause they're homophobic. Yeah, we're gonna have a horse
race here.
Anyway, how about those Niners?
h. brown is a 62 year-old keeper of,
an eclectic site featuring a half dozen City Hall denizens. h
is a former sailor, firefighter, teacher, nightclub owner, and
a hard-living satirical muckraker. Email
h at
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