With h brown

Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
Court Jester seeks Amnesty International
intervention in Wolf case
March 20, 2007
Does Josh need Amnesty International?
(will they move him to Guantanomo?)
Josh Wolf is a political prisoner within his own country. That
is a fact. He is held because of his political beliefs. No other
So, what do you do when there can be no justice from your own
government? You seek it through the World Court. But first, through
publicity from Amnesty International.
The Bush administration locked him up. Bush's Attorney General,
Alberto Gonzales personally signed the order to arrest Josh. This
is the same Alberto Gonzales who wrote a legal rationalization
supporting the right of the Bush administration to move anyone
they want from country to country and torture them in secret prisons.
This is the same Alberto Gonzales who just fired 8 federal district
attorneys generals for political purposes. What are you gonna
do? Appeal to the Supreme Court, perhaps? It's stacked and votes
along party lines. There is, in fact, no ultimate justice in today's
continuum of American jurisprudence.
Are you listening? Your president is doing this and no one is
calling for his impeachment? Certainly not Nancy Pelosi. Or, Harry
Reid. Where does one turn?

Speaker Nancy Pelosi
Peaceful protest
Starting today, Josh's mom and dad will welcome fellow well-wishers
to their vigil in front of the Federal building on Larkin at Golden
Gate. The 24/7 demonstration will evolve into a mother's hunger
strike if Josh is not released. We may need, as mentioned, Amnesty
International on this one and it could end up with the Attorney
General of the United States indicted by the World Court. These
people make Nixon look like a bleeding-heart liberal.
I'm dusting off my 'Free Josh' sign and heading over there and
if you value freedom of the press and have a few minutes, it is
your duty as an American to come by and hang out. Realize what
you're up against.
You will be photographed and catalogued by the FBI. Homeland
Security probably already has a file on you. This is not your
father's America. This is Bushland. They'd kill you if they could.
The last demonstration I attended in front of that building featured
a security force with only half of the guards wearing ID's. Look
for the ones without ID's. They'll be the first to snap a visor
down and start whacking grandmothers with billy clubs.
If you have a camera, take pics of the cops. Particularly the
ones who don't have any identification. It's illegal for them
to not have any identifying numbers. Some of them will put tape
on their badge numbers. Watch out for these pricks. They have
decided in advance that they are going to bust some skulls and
they are too cowardly to do it with their family names over their
breast pocket.
Danny Glover for Mayor
Jesus Christ, does this one have legs!?! The unapologetic AIPAC
forces are out from New York to San Francisco to smother this
babyin its crib before it even gets its first bottle. Go Danny

Danny Glover
The Gonzalez forces hate the idea. The Newsom people must have
run a poll because they are approaching apoplexy. Let me say a
few words about this subject.
Idea came from 'Wish you were dead'
Political junkies in town are divided upon the idea of Glover
running for Mayor. Half of them are Downtwon hacks terrified of
the prospect. The other half are trying to take credit for the
We'll deal with the first half of the mob later. As regards
the origination of the idea (listen up, Danny)
it came
from an anonymous poster who titles himself: 'Wish you were dead'.
He began pushing your name for public office last year when Sarah
Lipson announced she wouldn't run for re-election to the School
Board. Clearly, that wouldn't have been a position from which
you can have maximum impact. 'Wish' prefers to remain anonymous.
Mirkarimi to call Press hearing?
The Josh Wolf Vigil began an hour or so ago in front of the
Federal Building at Larkin and Golden Gate. I brought the subject
up with D-5's Supervisor, Ross Mirkarimi at his monthly art opening
in his office last Friday. I noted that with the entire argument
of Josh's imprisonment revolving around the definition of 'journalist'
in today's America, that it might be a good idea to have another
hearing on the topic.
Ross agreed but noted that the last hearing was before the Rules
Committee and that Rules Chair, Tom Ammiano would have to call
up the item. So, Tom, how about it?
I intend to bring up the topic of the federal shield law at
the hearing, should it occur. My concern is that, as presently
defined, the law does not cover unpaid online journalists who
could still be locked up by the likes of Judge William Alsup.
Federal law should not enshrine the idea that the likes of Ken
Garcia and Pat Murphy - paid by Downtown interests and are totally
biased - are legitimate journalists who can keep their sources
but that writers such as myself who are unpaid
(and, admittedly, nevertheless of a totally biased point of view)
should have to give up Eileen Left's real name.
At any rate, I call upon the good Supervisor Mirkarimi to make
note of the Wolf family's continuing vigil for Josh's release
when he makes his 'Roll Call for Introductions' presentation before
the Full Board at Tuesday's meeting.
Odds and ends and odd ends
Salon on Friday was alive with ideas growing like fungi in the
warm sun. An 'associate' ("I used to work for Kamala, but
I don't now.") of D.A., Kamala Harris, showed up for the
2nd time in 3 weeks and sat next to our roiling group to listen.
She'd been pointed out to me a couple of weeks ago but I didn't
say anything to her. I mean, shit, you don't have to spy on us.
Just show up and sit at the table with us. I'll out her by name
if she shows up again.
Gonzo roomie, Jimmy Dorenkott showed up at the Mirkarimi event,
soused, angry, threatening and unkempt. Christ, it was like looking
in the mirror.
So, Dorenkott threatened Marc Salomon (which he's done before)
and trembled with rage until calmed by the 'Persian Colossus'
himself. Email contacts with Gonzalez requesting he rein in this
present-day, Luca Brazzi heard Matt reply that: "Jim is his
own man.". Sure, and Jennifer Siebel didn't get her ideas
about Ruby Tourk from Gavin. Poor form. Kind of fun, though. Look
for a repeat side-show at noon today when all sides of the conflict
(has to do with feminism and equal billing for women) will gather
in front of the aforementioned Federal Building to either implore
the new House Speaker to push for the withdrawal of U.S. troops
from Iraq,
or, perhaps, the Greens will just roll on the
ground and fight with each other.

Glover for Mayor.
h. brown is a 62 year-old keeper of,
an eclectic site featuring a half dozen City Hall denizens. h
is a former sailor, firefighter, teacher, nightclub owner, and
a hard-living satirical muckraker. Email
h at
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