With h brown

Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
Court Jester writes open letter to Danny Glover
March 28, 2007
Dear Danny,
It's time you came home and did some heavy lifting. You are
the only potential Progressive candidate who can beat Gavin Newsom
this November and God knows, the poor, people of color and artists
need a mayor who will stop the cattle drive forcing us out of
town. Let me list a few reasons you should run.
Newsom is giving SF to the rich
As did Willie. While not new, the pace has quickened under Gavin.
The stables in the park, the golf courses, the marinas, the soccer
all have been recommended for privatization by
Mayor Newsom.
Treasure Island, as a reclaimed military base was supposed to
be used first to alleviate the problem of homelessness. The development
package in place is headed by the Mayor's chief fundraiser and
there is no place there for the poor. Same thing with Candlestick
Point. Same thing with Hunters Point. All with the same developer
The cops are out of control
The senior staff is comprised of thugs who recruit red necks
in the suburbs as cadets. The chief is afraid of her own shadow.
Gavin vetoed legislation forcing the police to walk beats. We
are the only major city without a single police helicopter. The
cops mothballed their kiosks years ago and stopped riding the
buses regularly at about the same time.
Arrests are down 20% and Gary Delagnes, the head of the POA
(Police Officers Association) laughed on the Art Bruzzone show
that this was because they didn't think they could get convictions.
Rather than be arrested, junkies and street criminals are herded
into 'containment zones' in neighborhoods like the Tenderloin
where I live.
Steroid use is rampant on the force and easily 80% of the brutality
claims are against bulked-up monsters with no controls at any
point in the chain of command. Police are the only emergency service
not subjected to random drug tests.
Public Safety, overall, is a joke. The fire chief lives almost
in Daly City instead of the house built for our chief in the center
of town. She suggested we use the chief's residence as a bed and
breakfast. She has divided the department by emergency medical
and fire service divisions in complete opposition to the national
trend of combining the two.
The OES (Office of Emergency Services) was run by a complete
political hack until the entire community forced her out. The
infiltration into the department by Homeland Security has resulted
in such insane dictates as
no marking the location of fresh
water cisterns (there are over 500 of them) where citizens can
get a drink after the water mains break.
You'll control the Redevelopment Agency
In an honest world, Redevelopment would be called: 'The Department
of Negro Removal'. And, they've done a bang-up job and continue
to do so. As I type this, they are planning the privatization
of the City's last public housing projects. Guess how many displaced
tenants will be allowed to return?
You'll control 61 of 63 department heads
Only the Department of Ethics and the Department of Elections
are not controlled directly by the Mayor or his Downtown buddies.
Imagine being able to hire literally thousands of people. Give
them a job for life with decent benefits.
You'll control 15 billion dollars in contracts
Around 6 billion in the regular budget and another 9 or 10 in
bond revenue that keeps growing and growing. You can give black
and brown people billions to rebuild Hetch-Hetchy and start construction
of a high-speed rail line to L.A.
You'll control art funding
The 'Swells' decide what is art in San Francisco. While your
tiny Vanguard charity has done admirable work, it is a drop in
the bucket. Most public funding goes to pet projects of billionaires
and their lap dogs.
We need you
God knows you've done lots already. God knows you're the real
deal. But, you ain't that rich and you can leverage your fame
into Room 200 at City Hall where you can take 8 years spending
between 50 and 100 billion dollars with an eye toward justice
and opportunity and compassion.
No one else in town can beat Newsom's Downtown juggernaut. You
can beat him easily. Please consider this plea and realize that
I am far from alone. In the alternative media of political wonks,
you are the man.
Please consider the idea and let us help. Matt Gonzalez (I was
his 'Minister of Propaganda' in the last campaign) says you'd
make a great candidate and he'd gladly support you. So does Ross
Mirkarimi. So does Chris Daly. So does Krissy Keefer. So does
Marc Salomon. And, so do I.
If you're interested, come talk to us. We meet for beer and
burritos every Friday at a little taqueria on Howard street (1550
between 11th & 12th from 1pm til 3pm). We're an army without
a leader. Let it be you.
h. brown
h. brown is a 62 year-old keeper of,
an eclectic site featuring a half dozen City Hall denizens. h
is a former sailor, firefighter, teacher, nightclub owner, and
a hard-living satirical muckraker. Email
h at
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