With h brown

San Francisco mayoral candidate, h. "Court Jester" Brown.
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
Court Jester reviews Police Officers' Association
MOU victory
By h.
June 27, 2007
"They want your suit back at the morgue!"
"You guys all ready for steroids testing?"
"How come there are no black cops here?"
"You guys getting overtime for being here?"
(Bulldog harasses cops)
As any football coach or big league manager can tell you, there
are different ways to look at losing a ball game. Which is important
information when, as the public, San Franciscans have traditionally
played the Washington Generals to the SFPD's powerful union, the
POA (Generals are the pseudo opponents the Harlem Globetrotters
take on tour to pound on). Well, we lost again yesterday, but
there was reason for hope in yesterday's ass-kicking.
First, the fact that there was a public hearing at all and that
the cops actually showed up at the hearing. I can remember hearings
back before district elections brought in a Progressive Board
when the cops didn't show up at all.
Oh yeah, ask Ammiano about that (and, what was with the lesbian
detective insulting Tom from the podium? - shit, when she got
stabbed, he ran to her bedside - lady, is it so important for
you to prove your manhood that you'll betray the entire LGBT community?
- let me give you a message, lady - you will never kiss these
Irishmen's asses enough to be 'one of the guys')
I remember
when Ammiano was first in City-wide elections to the Board (and
thus, its President) when 'da Mayor' told the SFPD that it was
OK to ignore requests to appear before the Board.
So, the fact that the majority of the Board voted for the hearing
(they had to send the POA contract back to committee which is
kind of like trying to take a large salmon away from a full grown
the Board sent it back and they sent it to a committee
(Peskin fought it, but lost) where the chair is a leading Progressive
(Ross Mirkarimi - please run, Ross - don't leave me all alone)
they heard our complaints and reacted. That was a huge
victory, folks.

Mayoral candidate fence sitter Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi
It was easily the friendliest exchange I've seen between the
law enforcement monolith, the Board, and the public. The cops
knew they'd won but scouted the opposition poorly (all our big
guns were in Sacramento trying to overturn Copley - don't ask!)
and turned out way too large a contingent. I counted 43 fully-armed
Caucasian officers in the audience (that's why I was taunting
them about 'overtime' and Gary actually wearing a suit). Shit,
there were only 50 people!
Let me just say that when it comes to stacking a meeting, Delagnes
doesn't have to take a back seat to Alex Clemens. When it became
clear that there was no real opposition to the union pact, Gary
let up on the throttle (like the dyke detective, set free, these
complex little characters with badges and guns can do more damage
than good)
Gary showed a restrained response in the Public
Comment section of the hearing and stopped sending inner-circle
POA cops up to give their own warped vision of the world (trust
me, it ain't 'San Francisco values').

SFPOA honcho Gary Delagnes
A 'well regulated militia'?
Let me measure my words (a rarity) here. I am in no way saying
that the SFPD is full of cowards who refuse to take risks (like
walking solitary beats) in order to protect the citizens of San
Francisco. No, I'm not saying that at all.
Wait! I think I am saying something like that. I'm saying that
businessmen and families better hire private security to protect
them for the next 8 years (assuming Gavin wins in November) because
the cops ain't gonna do it. It's too dangerous for them and their
union shields them from danger and accords them the highest pay
Expect no drug controls in the ranks of the cops for this union.
They'll be staying in their cars and out of such dangerous conveyances
as helicopters and buses and kiosks (cobans?). They wouldn't know
a single-officer beat if it ran up and bit them in the ass. And,
if one or more of em gets out of their cars and they look like
pro football players with an attitude? Watch your ass because
the odds are that they are higher than a kite on roids and unbelievably
aggressive and they will beat you to death or shoot you to death
without ever being tested for drugs (they will test your body).
So, the cops will be doing less and getting more for it while
the public is forced to hire vigilante services to protect them.
Things like BID ('Business Improvement District' - is a way to
say they hire private security to fill in for the donut n' coffee
cruising cops) neighborhoods.
Or, they could create things called CBD's. Know what that is?
Same thing as BID, only with different acronym. These are 'Community
Benefits Districts', which means that the local businesses tax
themselves to hire mercenaries to protect them against the criminals
in the streets because the cops are busy with the donuts and the
coffee and minimizing their risks.
Bottom line is that you lost big time and, oddly enough, so
did the business interests. Essentially, like that huge slug in
'Gravity's Rainbow' (I'm tired of explaining)
like the
huge cocaine-dependent slug in Gravity's Rainbow, the POA has
another 8 years to sap our resources while providing no positive
Good cop work
Thanks to Tenderloin boss, Captain Gary Jimenez for keeping
the screws turned on the corner of Larkin and O'Farrell and its
attached block for the last 2 weeks. It is appreciated. I challenged
him last week to keep the street in front of the World's Smallest
Nightclub safe and, clearly, he's tried. Sadly, taking the scum
that dominates this block away is like emptying a porta-potty
at Woodstock. Keep it up Gary and I'll keep sending out commendations.

Tenderloin Captain Gary Jimenez
Alioto-Pier legislation sucks
(so does Daly's)
Michaela Alioto-Pier is lazy and rich and I know of no more
deadly a combination as regards good government. But, wait, add
sympathy for being disabled, an old family name and motherhood
and you have a virtually unassailable chess piece. Trust me, the
Downtown machine that created her realizes this to the nth degree.

District 2 Supervisor Michela Alioto-Pier
So, on the rare occasions when the princess deigns to attend
Board meetings, she invariable sweetly presents legislation designed
by her handlers (same as Gavin's) to weaken the Board generally
and it's Progressive majority directly.
Thus is this stupid-ass new law she wants to enact allowing
a Board majority to strip district elected representatives of
committee representation. For? Nothing. Only that the majority
of the Board disapproves of this person's politics.
"Fuck you!!!"
(Heather Hiles to Mark Sanchez)
So, of course, because the Alioto-Pier funders (Hellman &
Fisher) had the majority of the School Board when Hiles lost control
(appointed by them -never elected to anything in her life - she
was listed as running a 'philanthropy' that disappeared when she
was defeated)
cause Downtown ran the School Board at the
time, when their stooge decided to curse out the leading Progressive
voice on the Board,
so, reactionary Board President (at
the time - thankfully, defeated now)
so, the Downtown Board
censures Sanchez for getting cursed out!
"He must have done something."
(you following this?)
That was what Kelly said when he ignored Hiles' vile attack
and blamed her victim. Amazing? Not at all for these folks. My
point is that we have a very recent example of what the powers
that Pier represents will do with the kind of power she's trying
to give them. Should they manage a 6-5 majority on the Board of
supes at any time, they will remove every Progressive from every
position of power for no reason whatsoever. And, you can expect
Pier to vote on the measure remotely. Oh yeah, she used her status
as a disabled mother who commutes from Sonoma County (Hi there,
Ed Jew!) to get the Board to pass a law saying she doesn't even
have to come to meetings anymore.
We need a new Mayor
That's the only possible way to reform the SFPD. Once there's
a new Mayor, he or she can appoint an entirely new command staff
and they'll find that 1,950 of the forces 2,000 members will gladly
walk beats and meet the public and eschew drugs. Right now, SF
taxpayers are enabling a hostile occupying force that will be
costing them a half billion bucks a year by the time this contract
terms out. Re-elect Newsom and you'll get a worse contract 4 years
from now .
"So, this priest and rabbi meet in the bathroom."
h. brown is a 62 year-old keeper of,
an eclectic site featuring a half dozen City Hall denizens. h
is a former sailor, firefighter, teacher, nightclub owner, and
a hard-living satirical muckraker. Email
h at
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