With h brown

San Francisco mayoral candidate, h. "Court Jester" Brown.
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
Court Jester reviews first 2007 mayoral debate
By h.
August 18, 2007

Mayoral candidates (from left to right) Tony Hall, Billy Bob Whitmer,
Quintin Mecke,
Lonnie Holmes, Ahimsa Porter Sumchai, h. brown, Harold Hoogasian,
Josh Wolf, George Davis, Wilma Pang and Grasshopper Kaplan attended
the first 2007 mayoral debate
in front of San Francisco City Hall.
Photo by Luke
"Sitting on a sofa on a Friday afternoon.
Going to the candidates debate.
Laugh about it, shout about it,
when you have to choose,
everyway you look at it, you lose."
(Paul Simon, thank you)
Actually, I think that there are lots of winners running for
Mayor in San Francisco this year and 11 of the 14 were present
yesterday at the first 2008 Mayoral Candidates Collaborative debate.
Jesus Christ, was it fun. Really, I kid you not. I mean, all of
the 11 of 14 legal candidates running (we were missing Chicken
John, Chicken Gavin and the proprietor of the Best Little Whorehouse
in Texas, or something like that)
missing 3 chickens, but
there were still lots and lots of wild things in the barnyard
(go to and check out George
Davis' perfect echo of Da Vinci).
Which was in front of City Hall
The idea of a candidates collaborative is original with Diamond
Dave Whitaker. Josh Wolf and I carried it from the District 5
supervisoral wars on into today's race for mayor. It was an absolutely
splendid success. Way better than in D-5 and we didn't expect
it. We just felt that we had to give the minority candidates a
chance for some exposure and Josh thought that in front of the
Mayor's office was the best spot. Then we invited everyone and
waited like teenagers afraid no one would come to their first
Who knew if the idea would transfer to this level? In D-5, we
mostly just met as a group and discussed the kinds of things that
Chris Daly and Michela Alioto-Pier now bat about.
Could you call another candidate a 'mother fucker' and still
remain in a particular debate? Would we agree to refuse to appear
in front of a group that wouldn't meet us all?
Actually, that first question didn't come up. We got to be friends,
just as this group running for Mayor now will over the remaining
11 Collaborative debates (and, yes, they will all be in front
of City Hall and under Gavin's balcony - he can't leave work early
every Friday). Let me say something here about Gavin's absence.
I could be wrong and please feel free to correct me.
Gavin's a decent guy
That's my instinct anyway. Eric Jaye is the one who make's the
Mayor look like such a two-faced jellyfish. The Mayor makes an
honest statement from the heart ("I'll be glad to debate
the other candidates anytime and anywhere.") and Jaye makes
him into a coward and a liar within 24 hours. Peter Ragone did
the same thing to him. Gavin has to break free of Jaye and Phil
Ginsberg just as he did Ragone and that is the problem cause that
just ain't likely.
All his life, the people who stuck him with Jaye and Ginsberg
and Nathan Ballard (who insulted the entire country of England
on the Mayor's behalf when speaking of 'Question Time' - "We
aren't in England here and we don't drive on the wrong side of
the road.")
all his life, they've brought people into
the room, introduced them to him and told him that he should do
exactly what they say. Breaking free of obeying those orders will
be hard to do but Gavin is strong enough now to do it. In fact,
it would increase his political stock exponentially
I think Gavin would love to debate his opposition. In my more
lucid moments I cannot deny that Newsom is a better debater than
anyone of the opposition candidates. Hell, long as we're being
honest here, he was better than Gonzalez vis a vis debating skills.
And, furthermore, he'd kick the entire Board of Supe's ass if
he'd overrule Jaye and simply walk across the hall and engage
in 'Question Time'. It must be frustrating as hell for him to
have spent 25 years developing these skills and then being reduced
to reading prepared statements day after day, week after week
and month after month. Again, he should dump Jaye or at least
overrule him on matters of interacting directly with the 'opposition'
(including the press).
Chronicle admits h. brown exists! (flying pink elephants
blot out sun)

Krissy Keefer just referred me to the morning Chron in which
campaign beat veteran, John Wildermuth was allowed to present
a marvelously fair description of yesterday's debate. Good lord,
even John Diaz wants Gavin to come across the street and put up
a tussle. But, let me quote the double de-flowering of both the
Hearst rag and the Mayor's office on the matter of my existence:
"The mayor is happy to go to any debate
sponsored by an organization.
We absolutely expect the mayor will be
doing debates during the campaign,
and he looks forward to it.
But, he can't go to h. brown's Be-in
every Friday afternoon."
(Eric Jaye to the Chron)
Why does Eric Jaye hate hippies? Does that help the Mayor for
him to say stupid shit like that? And, anyone who thinks I have
any control on any candidate in this race (including myself) is
a fucking idiot.
On the hippie thing. Does Jaye propose that he is speaking on
behalf of Gavin when he makes such disparaging comments about
the City's hippie past? I sure as hell hope not. To suggest that
comparing the candidates collaborative to a bunch of peace-loving
hipsters fighting for love is an insult says that this asshole
is far, far removed from the pulse of San Francisco. We revere
the Summer of Love and the Human Be-In here. Saying that an association
with those values demeans one?
Hey, I'm an old hippie. No doubt about it. I embrace the values
and attempt to practice them as much as possible. But, is Harold
Hoogasian what you'd call a 'hipster'? Tony Hall? Ahimsa Sumchai?
Lonnie Holmes? Quintin Mecke?
Josh Wolf is an anarchist. Billy Bob Whitmer and Wilma Pang
are teachers. Hey, other than Grasshopper Kaplan, I'm the only
hippie in the gang.
And, what the hell does Jaye mean by: "The Mayor is happy
to go to any debate sponsored by an organization."? I mean,
shit boy, when you have 11 of your 13 opposition candidates calling
you out under your very balcony, isn't that a legitimate 'organization'?
What Jaye meant was that the Mayor will be allowed to debate
only before such organizations that Jaye and his Downtown masters
control. Such as the League of Women Voters, chaired by a Pelosi
employee (head of PR at the Presidio) who didn't' see fit to agree
to have Nancy debate her opposition in the last congressional
The bitch is that Gavin is better than his handlers think. I've
watched the guy strain at his leash for years and he's better
than they think. Break free, Gavin. Let us pencil you in for next
Friday evening at 5pm in the Town Square. You can find it easily.
It's right under your window.
And, we're taking turns providing the sound system. Grasshopper
provided it for the first debate. Next Friday is your turn. Tell
Jaye and Farrah that my home number is 621-4103 and Josh Wolf's
is 794-2401. Don't be strangers. And, stop underrating your candidate.
He's a winner.
You shudda been there.
Be there next week.
Afterwards, we went to Mirk's art party for wine.
Then, to the World's Smallest Nightclub.
You shudda been there.
h. brown is a 62 year-old keeper of,
an eclectic site featuring a half dozen City Hall denizens. h
is a former sailor, firefighter, teacher, nightclub owner, and
a hard-living satirical muckraker. Email
h at
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