With h. brown

Restructured Jiminez Patrol nabs bad guys
By h.
September 13, 2007
When you have a window overlooking the action at U.N. Plaza,
you get to see lots of arrests, but today's takedown that just
went down under my window was a new scene altogether.
No shooting or fighting or anything like that. It was the nature
of the response. Four of the first six vehicles on the scene were
cops on bikes and the other two were undercover civilian-looking
vans (one trashed and the other bright and shiny).
Whomever they got, they were elated. Within 5 minutes there
were a half dozen undercover cops there going through the vehicle
(I thought I saw a bullet-proof vest as being one of the first
items taken from the suspect's trunk) and sharing their finds.
Within ten minutes Tenderloin Captain Gary Jiminez was there
and he stayed and spoke with passers-by and the manager of the
Renoir Hotel and several people from Café do Brasil (arrest
was at their doorstep on McAllister) and patted a couple of the
first cops in on the bust on the back.
Have I gone soft?
Naw, but that was just such a much better mix of street cops
than we usually see around San Francisco. Four bicycles!! Hey,
I'd have like to see a couple of Patrol Specials on foot, but
this was a vast improvement. Kudos to one of my favorite whipping
boys. Now let's see some single-officer walking patrols.
Apologies too. I phoned Luke Thomas when Captain Jiminez showed
up and he immediately said he was gonna run over (he lives right
around the corner) and get some shots. When he didn't show in
5 minutes and Jiminez started to leave, I got on the fire escape
and yelled at the cops to have him stay cause a photographer was
coming. Then, Thomas gets on the phone and I look like a worse
idiot than usual. Sorry, captain. Luke can run a file photo if
he runs this. The main point is that there is a definite change
in response (no more 15 screaming patrol cars) and it is appreciated.

Tenderloin Captain Gary Jiminez, file photo.
h. brown is a 62 year-old keeper of,
an eclectic site featuring a half dozen City Hall denizens. h
is a former sailor, firefighter, teacher, nightclub owner, and
a hard-living satirical muckraker. Email
h at
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