With h. brown

h. "Court Jester" brown with his BFF Angela "Queen
Bee" Alioto.
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
Court Jester falls in love
By h.
February 8, 2008
h., my son is in the car
(pausing for reflection)

Awkard moment: h. expresses his amorous affection
for Angela Alioto while son Joe cringes.
I love Angela Alioto and I dont care who knows it. In
fact, I made a confession yesterday to my priest and it went like
Me: Father, I have impure thoughts about Angela Alioto.
Priest: Me too!
Still crazy after all these years? Naw, never was, never will
be, just common sense. Angelas the hottest woman I ever
saw and my friends are the smartest people Ive ever known.
On Super Tuesday, I was able to combine the two.
The Queen Bee was nice enough to drive me and Fog
City Publisher, Luke
Thomas and Adriel Hampton to Bobby McCarthy and Angelo Quarantas
election bash and boy did I have fun, and boy, did Luke get around
60 shots of the movers and shakers of this political community...
We are the ones weve been waiting for
Senator Barack Obama

Capturing the imagination of a nation seeking change, Senator
Barack Obama.
Hows Obama-mania treating you? I expected to win California.
I keep looking at numbers and dont really believe them.
Thats kind of my shtick though. Not believing anyone.
I think Obama is going to have to beat Clinton 2-1 the rest of
the way to win this thing and I think he can. Eugene McCarthy
with money.
Speaking of McCarthy, yall know Robert McCarthy? Hell of
a lawyer. Downtown representative. He and Arthur Bruzzone had
a couple of the original Access TV shows back almost 30 years
ago. I watched an archival specimen with McCarthy interviewing
Sue Hestor and Hestor is a slim little fox not weighing in at
any more than 110lbs. The two of them have been going at it in
court and before the Planning Commission and the Board of Supes
for all of these years. Roberts shaved the leprechaun style
beard he wore for most of those decades and it makes him look
Luke and I reserved good friend, Queen Bee, Angela
Alioto and her son, Joe Veronese for election day lunch at the
California Culinary Academy on Polk. McCarthy and co-host Angelo
Quaranta (an Alioto ally since pre-historic times)
been doing these election day shindigs and let me tell you, everyone
who is anyone politically in this town shows up.

Angelo Quaranta gets a sneak peek at a plaque made in his honor.

The ever-affable Willie Brown with Robert McCarthy (left) and
Angelo Quaranta.

Willie Brown was the star
Give the devil his due, Willies pretty impressive. He
was on stage signing copies of his new book (P.J. Corkerey helped)
and I leaned in to greet Gerald Green who was Willies Planning
Director and has dropped a good 20 or 30 pounds. How the hell
do these people look better and better as the years go by?

Willie Brown, h. brown, and Gerald Green.
Luke got a great shot of McCarthy with Alicia Beccerrill that
proves that very point. Theres another top shot of Beleaguered
Board President, Aaron Peskin with Angelo and one of Angela with
Willie getting a book autographed and Republican biggie, Mike
DeNunzio with Angela and Ross Mirkarimi and Mark Leno flanking
the elder statesman.

Political consultant Bob McCarthy with Alicia Becceril and Angela

Angelo Quaranta with Board Prez Aaron Peskin.

Angela Alioto and Willie Brown.

Smiles on both sides of the political aisle: Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi,
WIllie Brown and Assemblymember Mark Leno.
I challenged Leno (as always) for the legislation he promised
me giving San Francisco County the option of getting the hookers
off the streets and into Amsterdam-style legal surroundings.
Sophie Maxwell beamed next to the former Mayor as did Michela
Alioto-Pier who posed with me and listened to my dont
take it personal when I blast you politically rap. Luke
got the Alioto clan gathered and captured Angela with son Joe
Alioto-Veronese and cousins Alioto-Pier and her brother Joe Alioto
Jr. who is running in supe district 3 this year and has the family
good looks. I asked around and was informed that Michelas
brother makes her look like a flaming Progressive. Hmmmm. That
will be a pretty good brawl over there with Peskin termed out.

A Beatles
reunion: Angela Alioto, Michela Alioto-Pier, Joe Alioto-Veronese
and Joseph Michael Alioto.

Best ever SFist
headline by Rita Hao: "Joe Joe Alioto Alioto District
District 3 3"

No permanent enemies: Michela Alioto-Pier with h. brown.
Bobby Coleman from Gonzos inner circle is running as is
Republican-like operative David Chiu who somehow came away with
endorsements from Ammiano and Peskin. Wilma Pang has already qualified
for public financing and so has Claudine Cheng whom, I am told,
once had a scene with Willie. Ahhh, dont you love all this
The aforementioned Mike DeNunzio has announced and hes
quite a speaker. In last congressional cycle, he ran against Pelosi
and that dancer from the Mission and Phil Berg, the Libertarian.

Michael DeNunzio dreaming of state-sponsored polygamy.
And, Im running in 3 too. Hopefully well be able
to get Grasshopper and the clown just to keep the energy level
up there. I plan to toss around some really big money a
la Mitt Romney down in those corridors. Im assuming that
Warren Hellman and Walter Shorenstein will get behind my effort.
Take off your dress. You can wear it when you die
(Joe Cocker)
I listen to lots and lots of music. My buddy, Jens Nielsen knows
more about rock n roll than anyone I know and Ive
been a student of his for 30 years. Hope you dont mind my
tossing in a favorite line every now and then.
Time might change me but I cant change time
(David Bowie)
My Little Dell
I live in front of my televisions screen. Like most Americans.
But wait, I dont live in front of my television screen,
I live in front of my computer screen.
Since cable took over the boob tube, I only watch my Little Dell.
Sometimes, Little Dell doesnt do justice to people and I
want to say that two of those people were at the Quaranta/McCarthy
election day blast.
Barbara Kaufman is a cute little lady who dresses to perfection
and I was very disappointed to see that. Well, not disappointed,
actually. Im always glad to see a pretty woman. It just
surprised me that the former Board of Supervisors President
whom I raked over coals for years not only didnt have 2
heads with snakes growing out of them but was
you know,
looking good.

Supervisor Gerardo Sandoval, Senator Carole Migden
and former San Francisco Supervisor Barbara Kaufman.
Same with Nate Nayman but that didnt surprise me. Ive
been around him in social settings (as opposed to political) and
Nate looks 10 years younger in a sweatshirt and jeans. Hey, I
dont know the guy and were kind of opposites doing
the same job for polar enemies but Ive always respected
his ability to turn a phrase (remember Frank Gallagher?, hes
a good buddy of mine despite all our political differences
hes a stay-at home father in the woods of Maine now?). Whatever,
I always hate to see another writer end up jobless if theyve
done a good job and Nayman has always represented his side well.
Someone write and tell me what happened there.

Representing his side well: Nathan Nayman with Supervisor Michela
legislative aide Colleen Crowley and Supervisor Carmen Chu.
Public comment impresario Walter Paulson
Da demon of da Dome, Walter Paulson lives down the hall from
me and he had cataract surgery the other day. It took me a couple
of years to realize that he can barely see or hear.
You know Walter. Hes they guy who sings to the Board. Things
like: Hey big spender, spend a little dime with me
to the Budget Committee. His mom was a gardener at the
Zoo for 20 years but the Society forced her out and she closed
out her career as a meter maid. Walter collects autographs. And
pictures. And, he goes to Reno once a week with his auntie to
gamble just a little bit.

Walter Paulson with his latest find, a Mayor Gavin Newsom bobblehead
Thats enuff.
Rules is on.
The Mayor has bunch of items on Solar Energy.
I better watch for you so youll know whos screwing
you and how.
h. brown is a 62 year-old keeper of,
an eclectic site featuring a half dozen City Hall denizens. h
is a former sailor, firefighter, teacher, nightclub owner, and
a hard-living satirical muckraker. Email
h at
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