With h. brown

h. "Court Jester" brown.
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
Court Jester previews BOS agenda
By h.
February 12, 2008
Another day of shame for Peskin
(4,500 cabbies robbed legally)
Item #19
Ive seen the Board of Supervisors do lots of nasty shit
over the last 10 years or so
of watching them, but nothing tops what theyll do if they
pass this item today. It
is a raise in the daily rental fees for drivers of the largest
two cab companies - in order
to drive cabs that might not even be on the street for 12 years
- with no increase in
meter for the drivers.
Oh yeah. Hard to believe? Well, dig it. This legislation allows
Yellow and Luxor cab companies to charge their drivers another
$12.50 per day if they (Yellow and Luxor) agree to put cars on
the road by 2012 to reduce green house emissions by 20 percent.
This will cost the average cabbie - Yellow and Luxor have 80
percent of the City fleet - another $3,000 a year. But, theyll
get it back from a raise on the meter and youll end up paying,
This legislation is a direct attack on senior drivers, the first
raise in gate rental fees that Ive ever seen that wasnt
tied to a balanced raise on the meter. The only difference you
will notice is twofold.
First, it will start taking longer for you to get where youre
going. Theyll take the long way, as it were. Maybe they
can make up the difference that way.
The second difference youll see is that your driver isnt
faking and that he really doesnt know where he or she is
going. That will be the effect the cab companies are looking for
because it will mean that the senior drivers have quit driving
and the companies wont be feeling all that pressure to provide
health insurance, or keep that pesky medallion list moving (medallions
are supposed to turn over as drivers retire or become unable to
drive theres a list that has been there since 1979
and it generally takes around 15 years to reach the top of the
thing and get one, but its worth it cause your income triples
and you become part of the cab company collectives youve
been fighting til then).
Peskins role in the heist
This kind of legislation smashing the middle class could only
come through the office of Supervisor Michela Alioto-Pier. When
it reached the full board there were enough supervisors wearing
Progressive badges to vote it down. Seeing this, Peskin sent it
back to Pier and Elsbernds oversight committee to be tweaked,
but not substantially altered.
Only champion of the working class, Chris Daly, voted against
sending it back to committee.
Now Daly sits on that committee with Pier and Elsbernd but Peskin
replaced him with Gerardo Sandoval that day. This gave Sandoval
the opportunity to read a long statement directly from a text
that sounded like it came straight from the cab companies. Another
vote lined up to smash the working class.
Peskins contribution was to make a compromise
with the cab companies (whom a Controllers report has noted
are very profitable by the way) that would only allow
them to take another $12.50 out of the drivers pockets at
the beginning of each shift instead of the $18.50 Pier had carried
for Luxor and Yellow. No raise in the meter for the drivers was
The entire odious mess is pure Peskin and ties into his Prop
A shenanigans which is closely tied to an attack on the 4,500
regular cab drivers and their families. And did you know, by the
way, that CBS Outdoor Advertising gave Aarons Prop A campaign
$28,000 to support that proposition and didnt report it
until after the election?
Hell, if he helped Clear Channel get a contract worth a couple
of hundred million right after they plunked just $20,000 into
the Prop A campaign, whats in store for CBS Outdoor?
So now it comes back to the Board as Item #19 and Peskin has
signed on with Pier and Elsbernd and brought Sandoval along with
him. Its odious. As of now theres only one thing I
think we can do.
Vote AGAINST Sandoval for Judge
If hell sell out 4,500 cabbies and their offspring. Imagine
the damage he could do as a superior court judge? All of those
drivers should be mobilized against Sandoval and theres
no better pulpit than the drivers seat of a cab (tell me
you hadnt noticed that).
Item #25
The reappointment of Ryan Brooks to the SF Public Utilities
Commission should be rejected outright. I watch their meetings
and he is one pure tool of PG&E and of bad,bad contracts.
Hes no engineer. Hes an advertising executive (for
CBS Outdoor for goodness sake is there an echo in here?)
and he uses his power as commission president to waste your money
at every turn. His only problem has been getting past PUC Commissioner
Dick Sklar.
Item #26
Do I even need to get into what Sklar has done for San Francisco?
- Rebuilt the cable car system.
- Electrified buses on the highest hills where polluting diesels
burned out their engines every couple of months.
- Rebuilt the sewage plant in the BayView in 1974.
- In private practice he rebuilt airports all across the United
- He was in charge of rebuilding the infrastructure in Bosnia
after that war (they could use him in Iraq now but hes
a little frail at the moment with health problems).
- He was the United States Ambassador to the United Nations.
You know how he did it?
This is from his bio:
"He developed the first integrated program management system,
now used throughout the industry, to track spending, measure progress
and improve accountability on public construction projects."
Thats why PG&E and all of the giant construction companies
would like to have Sklar go away. Ive watched him at PUC
commission meetings hour after hour picking apart bad contracts.
Sticking it to the cab drivers and dumping Sklar are the worst
things Ive seen come before the Class of 2000. The Judas
goat on both items is Aaron Peskin. And, the so-called Progressive
supes follow him like sheep. All that remains is to see how much
more of this kind of legislation further weakens the working class
while enriching the large corporations Aaron is able to squeeze
through before hes thankfully shown the door next January.
There aint gonna be no parade.
You should see my room. Looks like Saint Francis' porziuncola.

h. brown is a 62 year-old keeper of,
an eclectic site featuring a half dozen City Hall denizens. h
is a former sailor, firefighter, teacher, nightclub owner, and
a hard-living satirical muckraker. Email
h at
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