With h. brown

h. "Court Jester" brown.
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
Prog pols petty posturing prevents progress
By h.
February 22, 2008
Peskin denied entry to Tenderloin SRO
Hey, thats Aaron Peskin down there in the street!
Luke Thomas was looking out
the window of Chez brown while talking on the phone
to Chris Daly.
Turned out that is was Peskin and hed just been denied
admittance to my humble abode
because Luke was talking on my phone and the front desk couldnt
reach us to verify it
was OK for the Board President to join us. I mean, like damn!
Shit, dude. Here wed spent the better part of a week trying
to get Daly and Peskin to kiss and make up sos Chris could
get some kind of committee assignments and now we missed a golden
opportunity to talk to the man himself.
You call me!
No, you call me first!!
Remember a couple of years back when the SFUSDs board
was so divided that they
identified their clique by voting either yea or ney
depending upon whether they
were in Downtowns pocket or not?
The situation between Daly and Peskin is lots like that now.
Peskin wants to appoint Daly to something but he wants Daly to
phone him. Daly wants Peskin to make the first move. Let me just
say this about that
Daly not having a committee assignment is like Patton not having
an army when the Allies invaded Europe. Hes the Progs
best weapon and he should be in the field and fully engaged. Enuff
Murphy plagiarism growing tiresome
Every day Pat Murphy over at the SF Sentinel plagiarizes work
from major publications and passes it off as his own. AP, Washington
Post, magazines, newspapers, he steals from them all. Fortunately,
he steals some pretty good copy.
Cmon Pat, we all know you cant write worth shit
and that none of this stuff is yours. Just do simple attribution
and well let you slide. Dont make me keep having to
read first-class writing that we all know cant be yours
without a byline.
Youre a hack. Own up to it. A bow tie does not a newspaperman
make. Marshal Kilduff proved that decades ago.

Grandiose delusions.
Mary Mallen for Superior Court Judge
I have absolutely no idea what this woman stands for but shes
running against a Republican and Gerardo Sandoval and that gets
her my vote in the fast-approaching June election.

Mary Mallen
Counselor Mallen stood up under some of my usual vitriolic and
senseless diatribes at a party Chris Daly had last evening at
the Temple Bar and thats enough for me. Meanwhile Debra
Walker called Terrie Frye a sexist for not supporting Hillary
Clinton and Sue Vaughan said that I wasnt a feminist. Things
were tough down across from the Culinary Academy on Polk last
evening. In the rain. After Barack and Hillary set the stage.
And, as usual, young Jack Daly stole the show.
Bruce Wolfe told me to shut up and I dont know if thats
possible but I was making up for lost time arriving at the party
late after passing out early and watching a little of the Obama/Clinton
fiesta. My rooms about painted half pink now and its
causing some questioning looks from my usual suspects but its
the only paint I had left in my closet from the Keefer/Pelosi
fight and screw those guys anyway.
Chuck Gonzalez and Jeremy Pollock kick ass
Have you seen Chuck Gonzalez play within the last year? The
man is on fire. Likewise with Jeremy Pollock and hes playing:
Hey friends,
Just a quick email about my band's show tomorrow night. I'd
be honored if you could join us.
Friday 2/22 at Annie's
Social Club, 917 Folsom at 5th
$8 cover
We go on right at 9, opening for three top notch, heavy duty
bands: Birushanah from Japan, Drain the Sky, and Grayceon. There's
also "rock and schlock" karaoke in the back room!
Also, we've added a couple more new songs to our myspace
Have a great weekend!
- Jeremy
Ill give you more info on Chuck as he sends me his dates
and times but these two guys
are presently rocking as we say.
Quote of the Day
They got groupies for their band and all I got is my right
hand. Everybodys making it big but me.
(Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show)
Planning Commission intrigue
You see the outpouring of support for Christina Olague at Rules
yesterday? She got the best across-the-board turnout of any candidate
Ive ever seen for any commission and she deserved it. Later
that evening, Francisco DeCosta brought two huge trays of sandwiches
over to the Daly crowd at Temple Bar and I dont see how
any of this is related, but the sandwiches were really good.
On a more direct connection, a reader sent this to summarize
the situation at the Planning Commission where the ever-fair Olague
will be esconced for the next 4 years (thanks, Aaron)
Dwight Alexander has been removed from the Planning Commission
by Mayor Gavin Newsom. Newsom reportedly accepted the Planning
Commission President's resignation on January 7, then rescinded
his acceptance when he realized that he needed Alexander's vote
to move the 55 Laguna (UC Berkeley Extension) project forward,
and apparently re-accepted it yesterday. Alexander developed a
reputation for independence while serving as President of the
Commission which ran counter to the complete loyalty Newsom has
recently demanded of his appointees. Prop D, passed by the voters
in 2002, requires that appointees to the Planning Commission (and
Board of Appeals) only be removed for cause in order to prevent
such interference from the Mayor's office. The nominee to replace
him is Ryan Brooks, the former chair of the Public Utilities Commission,
whose re-appointment was recently rejected by the Board of Supervisors.
Brooks works for an outdoor advertising firm which is regulated
by the Planning Department. The highest number of enforcement
cases dealt with by the Planning Department is billboard cases.
Unlike Pat Murphy, I love to attribute work from others that
I reprint in my own rants. However, most of my friends dont
want anyone to know that theyre my friends. You have that
problem? You dont!? Whats your secret?
Salon 1-3pm at La Reinas
Hillary for Vice President
Sure, why the hell not?
h. brown is a 62 year-old keeper of,
an eclectic site featuring a half dozen City Hall denizens. h
is a former sailor, firefighter, teacher, nightclub owner, and
a hard-living satirical muckraker. Email
h at
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