Demonstrators demand fix
for Market/Octavia deathtrap

Protestors held a rally at the intersection of Market Street and
Octavia Boulevard, Friday, at the location where bicyclist Margaret
Timbrell was struck by a motorist who made an illegal right turn
onto the southbound entrance of the 101 Central Freeway. Timbrell
suffered 24 broken bones and a collapsed lung as a result of the
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Catherine
January 27, 2007
A gathering of approximately 100 demonstrators convened at the
intersection of Market Street and Octavia Blvd Friday morning
to demand city officials address the dangers motorists pose to
pedestrians and bicyclists when motorists make illegal right turns
off of Market Street onto the southbound entrance of the 101 Central

The demonstration was organized by the San
Francisco Bicycle Coalition, Walk
San Francisco, Livable City,
Senior Action Network,
North Mission Neighborhood
Alliance, and Hayes
Valley Neighborhood Association.
Timbrell, 28, is in intensive care at San Francisco General Hospital
suffering from 24 broken bones, a collapsed lung, and fluid in
her chest cavity.
The collision infuriated many in the area of Octavia Boulevard
and Market Street, where a U.S. Highway 101 connector meets with
a residential Hayes Valley neighborhood. It also garnered the
attention of Supervisors Bevan Dufty, Ross Mirkarimi and Chris
Daly, who appeared at the site of the incident for a news conference.

District 6 Supervisor Chris Daly

District 8 Supervisor Bevan Dufty and daughter Sidney (left)
and District 5 Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi (center left)
Timbrell was on her way to work in the bike lane on Market Street
when the pickup truck, carrying bags of concrete, made the illegal
turn to get on the freeway. The driver of the truck ran over the
woman and continued on the freeway, according to police.
Witnesses alerted the police immediately and a motorcycle officer
managed to track down the truck more than a mile down the freeway,
according to police. The driver was cited and released after telling
the officer that he had no idea he struck the woman.
Many in the area said collisions similar to Monday's are common
at the intersection, which opened in 2005. The owner of a nearby
coffee shop blamed the collisions on people rushing through the
intersection on their way to work.
Dufty called on the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency
to do something about the danger. Among the proposals is a plan
to place cameras at the intersection that would function much
like red-light cameras.
He also suggested raising fines for infractions at the intersection
and providing more signage.
"We need to ensure the safety of our pedestrians and must
make this change before a fatality occurs,'' Dufty said in a statement.
Installing cameras may take a series of hearings and votes, and
the item is placed on a county transportation authority committee
agenda for Tuesday, but in the meantime, the Municipal Transportation
Agency has pledged to offer some short- and long-term solutions.
The agency plans to install plastic posts protecting the bike
lane at the turn, post an electronic sign that says "NO RIGHT
TURN,'' and provide additional signage to inform drivers that
a legal freeway entrance is only a few blocks away.
In addition to the changes, MTA Director Nathaniel Ford pledged
to work with supervisors and other groups to improve the safety
of the intersection.
Andy Thornley, program director at the San Francisco Bicycle
Coalition, said city leaders need to make safety for bicyclists
and pedestrians a priority. He added that drivers continued to
break the law on their way to work.
"Even with all those people there, cars were pushing and
forcing their way through the bike lane,'' Thornley said. "I
guess it proves that people have no sense of shame.''

San Francisco Bicycle Coalition Program Director Andy Thonley
San Francisco Bicycle Coalition Executive Director Leah Shahum
said, "Mondays collision was unfortunately predictable
given the significant number of vehicles that make illegal right
turns onto the Central Freeway from Market Street."

San Francisco Bicycle Coalition Executive Director Leah Shahum
"The City could fix the dangerous conditions of this intersection
but so far has failed to do so," Shahum added.
Senior Action Network Pedestrian Safety Coordinator Pi Ra said
the dangerous conditions at the intersection are, "a classic
example of poor design decisions and a lack of enforcement."

Senior Action Network Pedestrian Safety Coordinator Pi Ra
Attendees also expressed wishes for Timbrell's speedy recovery
and called on city officials to act quickly to prevent further
life threatening injuries at this and other dangerous intersections
in San Francisco.

Brent Begin, Bay City News, contributed to this report.