Ed Jew coverage at a glance
Newsom ousts Jew, names Carmen Chu as interim

District 4 Supervisor Ed Jew
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Luke
Updated: September 26, 2007
May 18, 6:10 p.m: A source at City Hall tells Fog City
a Federal Bureau of Investigations agent raided District 4 Supervisor
Ed Jew's City Hall office today, at approximately 4:00 p.m. The
FBI agent was accompanied by a Department of Telecommunications
and Information Services (DTIS) official.
According to our source, the FBI agent wore blue rubber gloves
and was inspecting Jew's computer systems for evidence of recorded
cash transactions.
The source also says Jew's home, business, and other properties
have been raided by the FBI.
6:45 p.m: According to a source, the FBI investigation
and subsequent raid is related to alleged tax evasion and corruption,
stemming from a cash transaction of $40,000 exchanged between
Jew and a group of businessmen seeking help in obtaining permits.
The official FBI statement on the matter: "The FBI executed
sealed search warrants on Friday, May 18, 2007, in San Francisco
involving federal, potentially criminal, allegations."
May 19, 12:08 p.m: Board President Aaron Peskin tells
Fog City he spoke with Jew today and recommended Jew secure the
services of an attorney.
May 21, 11:40 a.m: Jew hires attorney Steven Gruel, releases
Gruel is a former federal prosecutor with 16 years experience
working with the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
May 23, 1:00 p.m: Jew takes a trip
to China. Spokesperson says trip was pre-planned.
3:38 p.m: The City Attorney's office has released copies
of correspondence
between Jew and the City Attorney. The exchange includes a letter
from Jew claimiing his father's right to privacy has been violated.
The City Attorney responds requesting Jew to provide supporting
evidence of Jew's true place of residence, and subsequently launches
an official investigation.
May 25: City Attorney extends
deadline to June 8 for Jew to provide supporting proof of
May 26: Troubles continue to mount with the revelation
that Jew is part owner of a building that houses an unlicensed
medical marijuana club.
June 4: Jew returns from trip to China.
June 5: The Chronicle reports
Jew a held a press conference within hours of his return from
The press conference included a tour of Jew's "sparsely decorated
and furnished" Sunset District residence that Jew claims
is his primary
Only Chinese media organizations were invited to attend the press
In a column published in the June issue of the Sunset Beacon
newspaper, Jew wrote "I have no intention of resigning my
Jew is expected to attend today's Board of Supervisors meeting
at 2.00 p.m.
June 5, 6:00 p.m: Jew and Gruel speak
to ABC7's I-Team. Jew says he is 32 generations removed from a
Chinese emperor.
Gruel says, "There's nothing inherently wrong with cash,
but I think it's a good learning experience for the supervisor."
June 6: Jew says he'll meet June
8 deadline to show proof of residency.
June 7: City Attorney releases statement
on documents received from Jew.
June 11, 4:00 p.m: City Attorney releases
to Attorney Steven Gruel. The letter indicates Jew has not,
to date, provided adequate
documentation to support Jew's proof of residency.
"The documents your client provided to us do not persuasively
demonstrate that he [Jew] resided in District 4 under the requirements
of the charter."
City Attorney requests interview with Jew.
New deadline date to show proof of residency extended to Friday,
June 15.
June 12, 4:00 p.m: The City Attorney's Office releases
from Gruel, dated June 12. Gruel is responding to Deputy City Attorney Chad Jacobs June
11 letter indicating Jew has not provided adequate proof of
In his letter, Gruel says Jacobs deceived him. "You either
cynically misled me or your managers completely usurped our working
relationship," Gruel writes.
"Either way, I have never witnessed a greater degree of
"sandbagging" in 22 years of practicing law," Gruel
Gruel accuses the City Attorney's office of inflaming public
opinion against Jew for political reasons.
Jacobs responds:
"None of your characterizations of our offices motivation
are remotely accurate."
5:02 p.m: District Attorney files
criminal charges against Jew.
Jew's criminal attorney Bill Fazio has been contacted by the
District Attorney's Office requesting Jew to turn himself in to
authorities in a "timely manner."
5:55 p.m: Mayor Gavin Newsom releases the following statement
on the criminal charges filed against Jew:
"This afternoon the district attorney informed me that her
office has filed
criminal charges against Supervisor Ed Jew. These serious
charges go to the heart of the integrity of the electoral process.
I will carefully review the facts of this matter as the City Attorney,
the district attorney and the FBI continue to investigate these
serious issues."
6:31 p.m: Board President Aaron Peskin is intimating Jew
should resign.
10:38 p.m: Jew
turns himself in to Burlingame police. He is released after
posting bail.
June 13, 5:45 p.m: The City Attorney's Office releases
dated June 13, addressed to defense attorneys Gruel, Fazio and
James Sutton.
Written by Deputy City Attorney Therese Stewart, the letter
states the City Attorney will not lift its June 15 deadline requiring
Jew provide investigators proof of residency.
Fazio, according to Stewart, wrote a letter requesting the City
Attorney "hold off and abstain from further action until
the criminal matter is resolved."
A separate request from Gruel and Sutton is asking the City Attorney
for a one-week extension to the deadline.
Both requests have been denied.
Meanwhile, Jew
refuses to resign.
June 15, 11:00 a.m: Supporters hold rally
for Jew.
5:39 p.m: City Attorney Press Secretary Matt Dorsey releases
the following statement after the June 15 deadline passes:
As of today's 5 p.m. deadline set by the City Attorney's Office
for Sup. Ed Jew to provide additional information pertaining to
this office's investigation into questions surrounding the supervisor's
residency, no further information has been provided by the supervisor.
At this time, City Attorney Dennis Herrera is evaluating all
the evidence uncovered in his office's investigation. He will
announce the results of his investigation in the coming days.
June 17, 2007: 8:20 p.m: Herrera announces press conference:
Herrera to Announce Findings of Sup. Jew Residency Investigation
at Press Conference
*** MONDAY MORNING, 10 A.M. ***
SAN FRANCISCO (June 17, 2007) -- City Attorney Dennis Herrera
will announce the findings of his office's investigation into
questions involving Supervisor Ed Jew's residency at a City Hall
press conference Monday morning at 10 a.m.
WHAT: Press Conference
WHO: City Attorney Dennis Herrera
WHEN: Monday, June 18, 2007 at 10:00 a.m.
WHERE: City Attorney's Office Conference Room (#234)
June 18, 11:01 a.m: Herrera cites "ovewhelming
evidence" against Jew in seeking his removal
from office.
1:30 p.m: Fazio fires back, says City Attorney and District
Attorney are competing
for public attention.
June 20: The Chronicle reports
Mayor Gavin Newsom is stepping up pressure on Jew to prove his
"The fact that I am reviewing the charter and my role ...
is suggestive of the fact that there are concerns," Newsom
"The accusations are codified in two reports and suggest
that Ed Jew needs to step up now and make it clear why they are
both wrong."
July 3: 7:29 p.m: Defense lawyers file brief requesting
Attorney General deny City permission to seek Jew's removal from
office, Herrera
July 5: Jew's attorneys respond
to charges sought by Herrera
July 11: Newsom awaits
City Attorney report on Ed Jew.
July 13, 2:43 p.m: City Attorney files reply brief in
response to Jew's attorney, Steven Gruel
The City Attorney's quo warranto reply filing with the Attorney
General is available in its entirety on the City Attorney's Web
site at the following URL:
"You will additionally find there a copy of today's letter
from Deputy City Attorney Chad Jacobs, which responds to some
of the baseless allegations made by Steven Gruel, one of the attorneys
for Sup. Ed Jew."
July 27: Residents testify
Supervisor Ed Jew wasn't living in Sunset neighborhood home.
July 30: Prosecutor says
only junk mail is delivered to Jew's San Francisco home
August 1: Loan application sinks
Jew. Judge orders
Jew to stand trial.
September 12: Jew rejects
plea deal requiring his resignation.
September 20: Feds charge
Jew with mail fraud.
September 21: Jew enters
plea of not guilty in federal court.
September 25: Newsom ousts
Jew, names Carmen Chu as interim replacement.