Protestors descend on Ellis Act eviction specialist

District 5 Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi leads demonstration at the
office of realty firm with history of frequent Ellis Act eviction
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Pat Murphy
July 29, 2006
A cross section of housing advocates this week descended on
a realty firm with a history of Ellis Act evictions now poised
to dislocate seniors again.
Renters at the seven-unit 1530 McAllister building owned by Frank
Howard Allen Realtors company received Ellis Act eviction notice
two weeks ago.

1530 McAllister Street
They include a 78-year-old, an 89-year-old, people of color,
and LGBT tenants.
It is the fifth Ellis Act eviction initiated by the firm, protestors
Residential Builders Association president Joe O'Donoghue, who
lives across from the McAllister building, first called for the

Joe O'Donoghue is backed by clenched fist Supervisor Mirkarimi.
He was quickly joined by District 5 Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi
as well as representatives of the Tenants Union, the Tenderloin
Housing Clinic, and the Housing Rights Committee of San Francisco.

Tommi Avicolli Mecca, a tenant counselor with the Housing Rights
Committee of San Francisco, sets protest to music.
The eviction process is in the initial notification stage which
occurs before tenant legal defense may be initiated.
Realtor staff declined comment.

Two members of the Frank Howard Allen Realtor team at left refuse
comment to the Sentinel.
