The CrackBerry Chronicles
With Elaine Santore

Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Elaine
April 30, 2007
Geeks Gone Wild!
On Friday night, Wired magazine
hosted its annual Rave Awards at the St. Regis Hotel in San Francisco.
The SF-based Techie Bible selected 22 individuals they believed
to make the biggest innovations in culture and technology this
year. Frankly, I expected a party full of geeks and stale food.
But, as Krissy Keefer said to us before we left for the event,
"Open bar? I'm an open book."

Rave Awards attendees getting their geek on. Work it!
Wired honored Arianna
Huffington for her work on the Huffington
Post, which launched in May 2005. Fog City inquired whether
or not Huffington, a candidate in the 2003 California gubernatorial
recall of Gray Davis, would take another shot at the governor's
race. Huffington demurred stating, "I'm very happy with my
day job."

One-time Gubernatorial candidate Arianna Huffington poses with's Justin
Not content with Huffington's politically prudent answer, denying
her future in politics, Fog City asked if she might be interested
in setting her sights on the San Francisco mayor's race, to which
she also declined while turning to leave in a huff!
She's fabulous, owns a BlackBerry and she'd probably have Tim
Robbins as her Chief of Staff. Arianna Huffington for mayor!
I met Justin Kan of,
where the 23-year-old "lifecasts"
himself 24/7. According to the site, "Justin wears the camera
24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Even in the bathroom. Even on a
date." Go to Justin's blog
to watch his brief interview with Fog City Journal on April 27th.
Not in attendance: the Guvenator himself, Arnold
Schwarzenegger, was recognized for his recent shift towards
science and technological issues.

The Guvenator starts his shift to all things scientific and techno-wonderous
Though not an honoree (as yet), I ran into local blogger Jackson
West, who I first met at last week's Fourth
Fake Question Time.

Former SFistor Jackson
West donning a Trilby.
And just for giggles...

A couple of cougars attacked Elaine's plus-one. Step off, ladies!

D'ya hear me up there cougars?
Blind Items
Which SF daily, known for ripping off every publication in town
without flinching, claimed to "break" a Fog City scoop
exclusive (a week late, as usual)? Worse, they had the audacity
to write off the scoop as "speculation."
Which famous party-girl flak, chummy with SF's golden couple,
maintains her ubiquitous mug all over the society pages by desperately
bear-hugging the nearest and dearest love-you-let's-do-lunch "friend",
into her power-hungry grasp?
Whatev. No shame in the game, honey!
Which local blog, whose name is funny but its content isn't,
claimed to be in a "blog war" with an even less inspired
blog? Too bad the moderators of both blogs won't be honored at
next year's Oscars, but they did manage to dupe a torch-bearing
activist-journalist into their shameless publicity ruse.