The CrackBerry Chronicles
With Elaine Santore

Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Elaine
June 15, 2007
Ragone Meets the Artist Formerly Known as SFist Elaine
After the media roundtable for Michael Moore's new film, Sicko,
I finally came face to face with the Commenter Formerly Known
as Byorn.
I am referring to, of course, former Newsom Communications Director,
Peter Ragone.

The Three Muskateers: Nathan Ballard, Chris Lehane, and Peter
Immediately, Ragone complimented me on my snazzy
red Kitson
sneakers. I, in turn, thanked Ragone for "giving me something
to write
about for three months." He also happens to be a big
fan of my column, and showed me his shiny new CrackBerry. "I
heard you threw yours away," I said. "That was my Mayor's
Office one. I'm a private citizen now," Ragone replied.
Newsom's Kool-Aid Convention
The battle
for the City Hall steps between Mayor Gavin Newsom and District
6 Supervisor Chris Daly was an exercise in misinformation towards
a misinformed populace. The skinny: Daly requested to rent the
steps for his budget rally, but his request was trumped after
Newsom's campaign put in a request for the steps for their budget
rally at the exact same time.
In response, Daly cancelled the regularly scheduled
Budget and Finance Committee meeting. Daly cancelled the meeting
after Newsom's Kool-Aiders threatened to flood the hearing with
a stream of their supporters and press
At the time of the rally, Daly wasn't in his office.
Members of the press wondered whether Daly or his supporters would
appear at the rally. He didn't. Newsom didn't even mention Daly
by name; he merely referred to him as "this Supervisor."
During the rally, Fog City Journal chatted with
Newsom Campaign Manager Eric Jaye. Jaye refused to have his photo
taken telling us to, instead, "take a photo of h. 'rap' Brown."
This was in response to h. Brown's column where he jokingly writes
Jaye is "small and fat and ugly as me [Brown]."
The criticism reportedly prompted Jaye to ask his
daughter, "Am I fat?" To which she responded, "Well,
Dad, you're not exactly manorexic."

Mayoral candidate h. Brown's unlikely campaign cash cow, Eric
While Luke Thomas and I stood by the City Hall doors,
a familiar authoritarian-complexed security guard singled us out
and began hassling us, for what reason we are still not quite
sure. However, after refusing to move from our shaded spot, the
less than svelte sarg waived his finger and promised to make life
miserable for us at every turn. Bitch, please!

Dear Fat Security Dude: Jesus may love you, but everyone else
thinks you're a jerk.
Is it a crime for me to stand in the shade so I
can prevent further signs of aging? Do you want me to look like
Jennings by the time I'm 30? (Seriously, does anybody know
how old she is? My guess is a young 72.)
After the rally, everybody flocked to the Board
Chambers for Supervisor Daly's Budget and Finance Committee meeting.
But it was obviously cancelled.

Bummer. The last
one was so much fun!
Meanwhile, District 8 Supervisor Bevan Dufty put
up a "Gone Fishing" sign outside his office.

Supervisor Dufty explained that he "didn't want anyone to
think I was hiding"
during Newsom's campaign rally. Whatevs, Buffy.
Gaviffer: Not Dunzo
at Sicko screening
Our Day of Gavin didn't end at the rally. Luke and
I attended the San Francisco premiere of Moore's Sicko
at the Sony Metreon on Wednesday night. Newsom hosted the packed
screening. There were plenty of bold-faced names in attendance,
including Police Commissioner Joe Alioto-Veronese and his wife,
Julie, Ragone, Jaye and SFist Editor-At-Large, Rita Hao.
Perhaps the biggest surprise was an appearance by
Newsom's girlfriend, Jennifer Siebel, almost unrecognizable as
a brunette. Siebel told Fog City Journal that she dyed her hair
for a role in an upcoming film where she plays a school teacher
in gang-ravaged South Central Los Angeles.
After being introduced to Siebel, I identified myself
explaining my past analyses of her sartorial
choices on SFist. Siebel laughed and said, "I don't read
any of that anymore. I feel much better now that I don't read
any of that negative stuff."
I then mentioned our mutual love of black
capes. Unfortunately, I forgot to inquire whether or not she'd
found herself a personal assistant.

Mayor Gavin Newsom and Jennifer Siebel (as a blonde) at the Bayview
Town Hall Meeting in February. I hate it when my plus-one drags
me to boring government meetings, too.
Newsom gave his galpal's new 'do a big thumbs-up.
History has shown the mayor to be more favorable towards
I say Siebel should keep her hair dark; the fewer blondes in Hollywood,
the better.
CrackBerry Blind Item
Which Newsom mole, in bloggers clothing, was caught
glad-handing with his supposed frenemies
at the Sicko screening Wednesday night?