The CrackBerry Chronicles
With Elaine Santore

Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Elaine
July 20, 2007
After reading Monday's column,
Mayor's Office of Community Programs Liaison, Ahsha Safai, called
to correct my statement that he was pictured, "…shoveling
debris whilst wearing a pair of shiny Italian shoes, and while
holding a cell phone to his ear."
According to Safai, he is actually wearing a pair of work boots
in the photo. And guess whom Safai's speaking to on the phone?
Fog City Journal editor/publisher/resident Svengali, Luke Thomas.
Buffy vs. Daly
Seriously, what was C.W. Nevius doing at Tuesday's Board of Supervisor's
Hey, I don't attend that many BOS meetings, either. I just show
up to get the latest gossip, or at least catch up with my friends
via GChat and/or BlackBerry Messenger while I wait for something
interesting to happen. (Apparently, I'm not
alone on that one - what it do, MAP?)
Supervisor Chris Daly says
Nevius "should've stuck to sports," and I agree. Nevius'
column opens with a typical sports dude cliché: "No
man is an island. But Chris Daly is getting close." To be
fair, Daly used two notable clichés during Tuesday's meeting.
He actually quoted two movie titles in one sentence: "…we
must stand and
deliver, and do
the right thing."
Most of the City's heard about Supervisor Bevan Dufty's now-infamous
quote: "Why don't you punch me in the face? If that's what
you want to do, go ahead."
h. Brown thinks Buffy's invitation qualifies as sexual harassment
because it's a clear indication that he's into S&M, and is
wooing Daly into a little foreplay.
Anybody second h.'s theory? Anybody? Bueller?

Does Buff like it rough?
Buffy went on to accuse Daly of helping Mayor Gavin Newsom get
re-elected. When asked for comment, Daly said, "I told him
'you don't get to lecture me politically because, basically, who
the fuck are you?'"
Personally, I'm disappointed the almost-smackdown between Daly
and Supervisor Sean Elsbernd didn't get as much ink. Daly straight
up accused Elsbernd and Co. of preferring to "hide underneath
their desks" instead of challenging Mayor Gavin Newsom's
budget. Elsbernd immediately stood up in protest, and homeboy
was thisclose to cutting Daly off before restraining himself.

Supervisors Chris Daly and Sean Elsbernd.
Daly and Elsbernd are on opposite sides of the aisle, but maintain
a high level of respect for each other. They are close in age,
and possess far more intelligence than most members of the Board.
Daly's even said that he has more common ground with Elsbernd
than he does with Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi. It's no secret that
Daly and Mirkarimi haven't been cool for some time now.
Don't worry; Luke Thomas and a high-profile FCJ City Hall operative
are working on it as we speak.
CrackBerry Blind Item
Which sinking ship daily newspaper, who has trouble keeping their
facts straight and makes them up as it suits them, has
confirmed cocaine sources, but continues to harp on Daly at the
mere mention of "alleged cocaine use?"
Pot. Kettle. Black.