The CrackBerry Chronicles
With Elaine Santore

Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Elaine
October 1, 2007
A blogger walks into a bar
When Bob Brigham sent me an invite for Calitics'
Blogger Beer last Wednesday, I wrote back: "This shit better
be amazing. There'd better be a fight."
Allow me to explain: in one month alone, Bob (aka blogswarm at
Calitics) witnessed 3 blogger fights, all of which involved either
spilled beer or wine. I witnessed one of the incidents involving
However, there was nothing but love at this event. The first
person I recognized was Beth
Spotswood, who I hadn't seen since the Alice
B. Toklas brunch. I was lucky enough to witness the passionate
between Beth and her plus-one, Assemblymember Mark Leno.

Secret lovers Beth Spotswood and Assemblyman Mark Leno reunite.
Beth and I discussed her now-infamous wardrobe fiasco
at the Opera gala. Luke tried to explain to Beth (in vain) why
he doesn't agree with Gavin on a fundemental political level.
I tried to steer the conversation back to Gavin's
love life where it belonged. (For example, Jennifer Siebel's
big debut in the NBC series Life premiered
that night, but I'm guessing Beth didn't TiVo it.)

Greg Dewar of the N
Judah Chronicles also came to the party, and I encouraged
him to take up h.'s offer to host one of the Candidates' Collaborative
debates. Greg expressed some interest, but warned me about the
nature of his questions for the candidates.
Bring on the dramz, Greg.

Blogger Yearbook Photo: Steve Filson, Greg Dewar (third from left),
Mark Leno,
Elaine Santore, Beth Spotswood, and Bob Brigham.
Greg complained about how the Chronicle and other publications
rip off his material without giving him source attribution. Luke
said something like "join the club" but reminded him
that when the Chronicle or the Examiner finally realize they've
been scooped, the last thing they're going to do is advertise
their "scoop" is already old news. We also discussed
how the Examiner didn't
credit Scott Beale's photo used for their recent
story (since corrected) on mayoral candidate Chicken John

Greg Dewar telling me something really shocking and important
while Barry Bonds walks , for the last time, down the hallowed
San Francisco Giants tunnel.
Beyond Chron's Paul
Hogarth revealed his new look. Apparently, his boss, Randy Shaw
told Paul he needed a Queer Eye for the Straight Guy-esque makeover.
"Randy Shaw, a straight man with a wife and children,"
Paul said in dismay.
Paul's friends got involved with the makeover by taking him to
Macy's for a new wardrobe, and bringing him to the salon for a
haircut. I love makeovers, especially when they involve people
who are already adorable.

Paul Hogarth (right) after his Randy Shaw-commissioned makeover.
Props to Mark Leno for being gracious and media-savvy enough
to socialize with us. I'd like to see more local politicians *cough*
Gavin Newsom *cough* reach out to bloggers and online news organizations.
Your Google searches depend on it!
Needless to say, everybody had an amazing time. The beer was
flowing, new friends were made, and there's peace and joy in Blogville.
Big thanks to our buddies Brian Leubitz and Bob Brigham at Calitics
for organizing the event.

Some dude named Barry had a big night, too. But he wasn't partying
with us,
so he's obvs
not that popular.
Candidates' Collaborative Caption Action

Debate moderator Bob Brigham, who's still pissed at me
for dissing Mark Leno's leather pants.
(Damn, if I knew Bob would bring it up every week for the next
four months...)

The yearbook photo keeps getting stranger and smaller.

I think Kenny the Clown needs to use a different base. It's looking
a little too red.

Mayoral candidate Dr. Ahimsa Sumchai.
My mom has a jacket like this from the '80s, which I secretly

Hope Johnson's Fog City Journal 1st Anniversary cookie,
which might as well be the City Seal.

Happy 1st Anniversary FCJ, September 24, 2007.

Fog City Journal is #1. Duh.
Photo by Bob

Lonnie and Paris Holmes (second and third from the right)
took the rest of the cookie home for the kids.

Michael Strickland of Civic
Center Blog (right) chills with Hope Johnson.

"Lonnie Holmes for Mayor, my fellow ecofriendly earthlings!"

Hurry up, Bridge and Tunnel folks! BART's gonna close soon.

A passing Critical Masser lit by a rising full moon.

Cheer up, Bob. There's always next week...

Kenny the Clown playing
with fire.
What does one buy a Progressive baby?
I'm happy to report that two of our friends, the Green Party's
Erika McDonald and John-Marc Chandonia, held a baby shower at
Susan King's house last Sunday. My favorite shower gift, hands
down, was the Che Guevara onesie Erika received from Krissy Keefer.

Before you knew it, Erika's baby-shower turned into a Green Party
Big thanks to Erika and John-Marc for the invitation to their
celebration, and thank you Susan King for opening your home, and
providing heaps of yummy food.

If you can't take the heat, get outta the kitchen.
Congratulations, Erika and John-Marc!
CrackBerry Blind Items
Which retired pumpkin politico is finally growing up,
rumored to be ditching his roomies and shacking up, instead, with
his on-again-off-again honey
Which English svengali, who has a penchant for scoops and wearing
reading glasses on his head, has contributed to Senator Barak
Obama's campaign?
Editor's Note: Duh!