First things first: Fog City Journal editor Luke Thomas would
like to thank all the friends, fans, and readers for their outpouring
of support and condolences last week.
In other FCJ family news, today is my grandmother's 87th birthday.
Big Brother made a special appearance for Grandma's b-day bash
this weekend. His 26th birthday also falls on the same week, officially
ending his quarter-life crisis (we're praying, anyway).
Among Big Brother's goals for the year? To make his forehead
wrinkles deeper because "it looks good on guys." Let
that one sink
in for a bit…
FCJ would like to congratulate Chris Daly and Sarah Low Daly
for the newest addition to their family, Grace
Eolen. Every time a hapa baby is born, an angel gets its wings!
And in more baby news, here's a photo of Erika McDonald and John-Marc
Chandonia with their newborn baby girl, Amy Elizabeth Chandonia:
The McDonald-Chandonia family at the sixth annual Green Festival
Election night turned out to be everything and nothing I expected.
My first stop was h brown's victory celebration at Temple Bar,
where I met up with fellow progressive ladies
Sue Vaughan, Susan King, Karen Babbitt, and Krissy Keefer.
Ahimsa Porter Sumchai arrived later with several other candidates,
including George Davis and Michael Powers. Sumchai admitted she
never actually wanted to be mayor, but said the following about
her experience on the campaign trail: "It's like studying
for an exam for months and getting a C." So far, Sumchai
has received
2, 777 votes, putting her behind Wilma Pang and ahead of Chicken
John Rinaldi.
Josh Wolf arrived at the Temple Bar just as Karen, Sue, Susan,
and I were leaving for the Yes on A/No on H party at El Rio. I
congratulated Josh and told him I felt left out of the whole twentysomething
candidate trend that's been going on lately. You know how I hate
to be behind on the trends!
Our progressive female posse arrived at El Rio to find the Party
of the Year. Now, I call a lot of parties the Party of the Year,
but I think this one actually was the Party of the Year. We spotted
Board President Aaron Peskin talking to a news station and I shouted,
"Aaron, I love you!" over my shoulder.
I think I said "I love you" to almost everybody I talked
to, and I kind of meant it. After a couple weeks out of the scene,
I was ecstatic to be around so many familiar faces. A short list
of who showed up: Natasha Marsh, the woman who made it all happen;
BART Director Tom Radulovich; Supervisor/CrackBerry reader Sean
Elsbernd; Supervisor Tom Ammiano, who handed me a tulip and said,
"You look how I feel right now."; Supervisors Gerardo
Sandoval and Ross Mirkarimi; Janet and Clint Reilly walked in
like they were political royalty; Ted Strawser of SF Party Party;
Leah Shahum of the Bike Coalition; Vicki Leidner of Code Pink;
Bill Barnes; School Board Member Jane Kim; Paul Hogarth of Beyond
Chron (duh); Bay Guardian City Editor Steve Jones and Alix Rosenthal;
Bay Guardian Executive Editor Tim Redmond; School Board Member/District
9 Supervisor candidate Mark Sanchez; FCJ alum Adam Aufdencamp;
Tim Paulson, who bought me a pint of Stella; MTA Executive Director
Nat Ford; Assemblyman and State Senate candidate, Mark Leno, sweet
and chic as always.
On our way back to BART, Karen, Sue, and I spotted Aaron Peskin
waiting at a Muni stop alone, chatting on his cell. Aaron gave
a rousing speech at the party (he got up on one of the bar stools),
and proved to have a much more convincing blaccent than Gavin
Newsom. I don't know if I've ever heard a white man say "my
brothers and sisters" and "in the house" that much
since Warren Beatty in Bulworth:
The Fog City Journal staff - mostly Luke Thomas and reporter/photographer
John Han - put in so much effort and dedication into covering
this election, and now it's finally over. Over the past six months,
we've made friends, lost friends, gained new allies, endured personal
and professional tragedy, but we're still kicking ass and taking
names. Onward to the next election!
CrackBerry Quote of the Day
"We need a media that covers power, not covers for power.
We need a media that is the fourth estate, not for the state."
- Amy Goodman, November 11, 2007
Which "unopposed" victor reverted back to his old tricks,
boozing and getting his creep on all over the City? A reliable
source reports the fratastic numbers wonk left a fundraiser party
with a mystery girl and spent the night at her apartment.
It sounds like he had a rough morning after:
The Wonk: (wakes up, realizing he's not in his own apartment)
Mystery Girl's roommate: "Aren't you…"
The Wonk: "Yes. Do you know where I can get a cup of coffee?"
At least he's got a chauffeur, and didn't need to do the Walk
of Shame.
Wait a minute … didn't he just do an interview where he
completely evaded any and all questions about his sobriety, and
said he was "blessed" to be with his thespian girlfriend?