District 10 candidate Espanola Jackson scores incumbent on housing

Espanola Jackson
January 3, 2006, 8:00 p.m.
Newly filed District 10 candidate Espanola Jackson yesterday
cited incumbent Supervisor Sophie Maxwell's support for a housing
moratorium among Jackson campaign issues.
A native of San Francisco, Jackson is a 30-year Bayview activist
and served on city commissions under four San Francisco mayors,
she said.
Affordable District 10 housing is more difficult to find, Jackson
criticized Maxwell.
"She has already made sure there is a moratorium on housing,"
Jackson told the Sentinel.
"People need housing here in San Francisco."
"I had asked people to give her the benefit of doubt, but
for the last four years nothing has been done on housing.
"And I have 96 reasons to be running because of the 96 killings
that have gone on here in San Francisco and I know things can
be done much better.
"We cannot look for the police to solve all of the problems.
The community must be involved in getting this job done. Honey,
if the community is involved we don't need more police officers.
"The crime still won't be solved unless the community is
Former District 5 candidate Joe Blue praised Jackson.

Joe Blue
"I think this candidate will bring a breath of fresh air
back to this city," Blue said.
"We have an administration in this city which has negated
people who want to have homes in this city. We have a crime situation
out of control and this administration has done nothing
"Maxwell has sat on her behind and absolutely nothing to
get these issues solved.
Other candidates who have filed declarations of intent to run
in District 10 with the San Francisco Elections Department include
Rodney Hampton, Jr., Dwayne Jusino, Charlie Walker, and Asale-Hanquektah